Meeting Minutes: 6-Apr-50


  • Dressed to Kill is this Saturday: please make the work light by volunteering to help out.


Guilds are the special interest groups of the SCA: people working together to focus on a particular activity. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings.

  • Woodworkers Guild meets this Thursday, 7-10 pm at Meinhard’s home. Please contact Meinhard at for directions or with questions. You can also check the Cleftlands Woodworkers Facebook page.
  • Armorers Guild will be meeting at Ealdred’ and Clariel’s home this Thursday, 7-10 pm . Please contact Calum at for information or directions.
  • Unofficial Fencing Practice meets this Sunday. Please contact Cynwrig for details
  • Please check the Cleftlands Equestrian Guild’s Facebook page to see if they are holding practice this upcoming Sunday.
  • Needleworkers will be meeting next Tuesday at Robins’s home. Directions will be posted to Cleftlist and the Cleftlands Facebook page closer to the meeting, or contact Madelaine at
  • East side archery practice meets next Tuesday starting at 5:30 at the home of Gwyneth and Muldonney, 411 Douglas Blvd, Richmond Heights, OH 44143. Donations will be used to replace archery butts, foam, and targets. Loaner equipment is available.
  • Gianna will be leading a dance class at meeting next week around 7:30.
  • The Cleftlands Cooks are hosting another Cooks Challenge at the April 27 meeting: Please bring a display of “What I take to eat at events.


  • The next Cleftlands Armored Combatant Tourney will be at the 27-Apr meeting. All combatants, new or old, are invited to participate. Please contact Calum or Constanza if you have questions about the tourney.

Congratulations Caitilín, Katerin, Porcia, and Serena!

Congratulations to Lady Caitilín inghean Néill, Lady Katerin ferch Gwenllian, Lady Porcia Vera, and Countess Serena Kimbalwyke for their names and/or devices clearing the College of Heralds!


Caitilín inghean Néill
Katerin ferch Gwenllian
Porcia Vera
Serena Kimbalwyke
Purpure, in saltire an arrow argent and a quill pen Or, a bordure argent. Gules, a dragon rampant Or maintaining a sword argent within eight plates in annulo. Per chevron purpure and argent, two retorts spouts outward argent and a dragon passant vert. Vert, a horse passant Or and on a chief argent three acorns, each acorn with a maintained leaf issuant to sinister fesswise sable.

Congratulations Winter 2016 Award Recipients!

Congratulations to all the recent Award recipients for January, February, and March!

A Regular Event in the Cleftlands (27 Feb, 2016)

  • Northern Oaken Recorder Ensemble – Award of the Purple Fretty
  • Estuvan Nunez – Award of Arms
  • Sirius of Cleftlands – Order of the Red Company
  • Auric Jaegerwolf – Order of the Cavendish Knot
  • Angharad ferch Tangwystl – Award of the Purple Fret
  • Cathan Mac An Bhaird – Award of the Purple Fret
  • Brice Colquhoun – Award of the Doe’s Grace
  • Niccolo Bartolazzi – Order of the Evergreen
  • Muldonny McVriw – Order of the Greenwood Company
  • Farthegn Rinksson – Court Baron
  • Colette du Pré – Court Baroness

Meeting Minutes: 30-Mar-50


  • Dressed to Kill
    • Branwyn is organizing breakfast: Clarice is handling lunch. If you’re planning to bring something you’ve cooked to share at the breakfast bar, please let them know so they can plan what might need purchased.
  • NOWM
    • Volunteers are welcome.


  • Jolicia, as chatelaine, introduced five newcomers attending their first meeting.
  • Syr Crispin, as A&S minister, is looking for people to teach classes at meeting in the next couple of months.


  • Guilds are our special interest groups for those who want to focus on a specific activity or craft. Everyone is welcome!
  • Armourer’s Guild is meeting in Ealdred’s garage Thursday, 3/31. Please contact him at 440-243-1419 for directions and information.
  • Woodworkers Guild is tomorrow. Please contact Meinhard at for questions about future activities, or check the Cleftlands Woodworkers Facebook page.
  • Unofficial Fencing Practice meets this upcoming Sunday. Please contact Cynwrig for details
  • Archery Guild is starting up at Gwen’s home in Richmond Heights on Tuesdays. Please check the cleftlist email list, or the Facebook page for details.
  • Cook’s Guild is meeting next week at Wednesday meeting. Contact Angharad at for information.
  • Katerin is hosting weekend A&S sessions, Sundays, 2-5, at her home. Please contact her for information.


  • April Dessert Revel (27-Apr) will be the next Cleftlands Armored Tourney. Every authorized fighter is invited to participate.
  • Constanza introduced the now-present Tariq to everyone as a person to know.
  • The Barons presented chocolate eggs to all those who participated in the New Beginnings A&S Challenge.


Congratulations Lady Zofia der Kinder, Minister of Youth!

The Cleftlands would like to welcome Lady Zofia der Kinder as Youth Marshal!

A special thanks to the outgoing  Mesterno Tyzes ‘Zsof’ Sofia for her hard work and service with the youth of the Barony.

Congratulations Lady Fritha and Zofia, Gold Key and Youth Minister!

Zofia der Kinder

Zofia der Kinder


Lady Fritha EikBrandrsdóttir

The Cleftlands would like to welcome Lady Fritha EikBrandrsdóttir as Gold Key and Zofia der Kinder as Minister of Youth

A special thanks to the outgoing Gold Key Lady Magdalein Webbe and Mesternö Tyzes Sofia (Zsof) for their hard work and service over the years.

Meeting Minutes: 23-Mar-50


  • The two open positions have been filled: Fritha will taking responsibility for Gold Key, while Zofia der Kinder will be stepping as Minister of Youth.
  • The Seneschal is accepting bids for Standard Bearers and January event.


  • Dressed to Kill is April 9. Please check Facebook or the webpage for information.


  • The guilds are special interest groups, open to anyone interested in these activities.
  • There will be no Woodworkers or Armorer’s Guild tomorrow, 24-Mar.
  • There is no Unofficial Fencing practice on Easter Sunday, 27-Mar.
  • Needleworkers (costuming and other needle arts) will be meeting this upcoming Tuesday, 3/29 at Constanza’s home in Cleveland Heights. She’ll be posting directions and information on Cleftlist and the Facebook page. You can also contact her at

Other Announcements

  • Syr Ephraim is sponsoring a Challenge to find or create new music for the Cleftlands Battle Song. The lyrics can be found at:
  • Syr Alen will be teaching a class on Sword Wearing and Management at the Dessert REvel at 8-ish next Wednesday.


  • Duke John the Tall of Glean Abhann wrote an open letter to the Midrealm about our own Tariq, who offered great aid, and calm guidance, owhen the storm struck Gulf Wars last week.
  • Next week at Dessert revel is the Barons’ A&S Challenge: to try a new art or science and your creation to meeting to share.
  • April Dessert Revel, 27-Apr, will be the next Cleftlands Armored Tourney.

Their Majesties

  • Their Majesties held court to invite Caitlin of the Cleftlands to join the Order of the Dragon’s Barb for her skill and service to archery.
  • They also invited forward all those who attended Gulf Wars, and announced an Augmentation of Arms to be born for the next year and a day by all those who attended this Gulf Wars: a zephyr to be added to their arms as they see fit.
  • They also invited everyone to view up close the wonderful garments presented them by the Silver Thimble Guild of the Barony of Brendoken.

Meeting Minutes: 16-Mar-50


  • Officers meeting next Wednesday at 8:30 pm.


  • Dressed to Kill is approaching. The Cleveland Museum of Art is bringing period armor to the event. Melisent is looking to fill two staff positions for the event: Someone with a youth waiver able to work with an unwaivered volunteer, and a Parking Wrangler to organize the parking lot.


  • Armorer’s Guild is meeting in Ealdred’s garage Thursday, 3/17. Please contact him at 440-243-1419 for directions and information.
  • Woodworkers Guild is tomorrow. Please contact Meinhard at for questions about future activities, or check the Cleftlands Woodworkers Facebook page.
  • Unofficial Fencing Practice meets this upcoming Sunday. Please contact Cynwrig for details
  • Needleworkers will be meeting Tue, 29th at Constanza’s home. Directions will be posted closer to the meeting.
  • Duke Alen will be leading a class on Sword Management on Mar 30.
  • Syr Ephraim has challenged Cleftlanders to either write or propose copyright-free music to suit the Cleftlands Battle Song, which was inadvertently written to music under copyright. If you need a copy of the words, please contact him. Please present him with the music by the May 26th meeting.


  • The open challenge is to bring the results of your new art or science skill to the dessert revel on Mar 30.

Meeting Minutes: 9-Mar-50


  • The Barony is still looking to fill two positions: Minister of Youth and Gold Key. If you’re interested in either, please apply online.


  • Brendoken is holding a ‘Not Driving 16 Hours to Gulf Wars’ fighter practice at the Gwyntarian meeting site this Saturday from 12-5 pm. There will be a A&S corner, and if the weather is good, there may be archery outdoors. Please check the Gwyntarian website for directions at
  • Eastwatches Masque de la Fou is the first weekend in April. They are taking reservations at Cleftlands meetings.
  • Dressed to Kill will be the following weekend, 9-Apr. Lady AErindis is coordinating the museum tour on Sunday. The Cleveland Museum of Art will be bringing period armor to view and even touch. The event staff will have a site walk through this Sunday at 1 pm: please check with Milesent for details.
  • NOWM is coming up soon – please volunteer.


  • Marshals: The Martial Database is up and running. Please check your entry then notify your baronial marshal if updates or corrections are needed.


  • Armorer’s is not meeting this Thursday.
  • Woodworkers Guild is. Please contact Meinhard at for questions about future activities, or check the Cleftlands Woodworkers Facebook page.
  • Unofficial Fencing Practice meets this upcoming Sunday. Please contact Cynwrig for details
  • Weekend A&S is meeting at Katerin’s this Sunday, with a focus on making duct-tape bodice patterns. Please contact her for details at
  • Heavy Weapons Guild: Please consider attending the upcoming unbelt practices at Tournament of the Unicorn, the first weekend of April, and Martial RUM the following weekend.


  • Upcoming events include the Academy of St. Clare in Assist in Aethelmarc (Pennsylvania): an event entirely focused on the art of embroidery.
  • The Barons are still hosting an A&S challenge for the Dessert Revel in March: Try something new and share it.
  • Syr Ephraim has discovered that the music used for the Cleftlands Battle Song is currently under copyright and is therefore setting a challenge to the Barony to come up with new music for the song: either personally composed or from some other tune that is out of copyright. Please provide him any music you create or find: a choice will be made at by the May Dessert Revel.

Meeting Minutes: 2-Mar-50


  • The Barony has two open officer positions: Minister of Youth and Gold Key (in charge of loaner costumes). Please apply online at the Cleftlands website.


  • Regular Event: Sabine, autocrat, and Mattheus, Head Cook, thanked the many staff members who made the event, and the feast, such a success. James Barkley also thanked the instructor.
  • Dressed to Kill is still looking for instructors. Please contact Ulfr about teaching armor-related classes, or Leta about teaching costuming classes.


  • Jolica introduced two newcomers: Anthony and Nick.
  • There are upcoming times for A&S classes at meeting: please let Crispin know if you’d like to teach over the next couple of months.
  • Ginevra will be teaching the Galliard at next meeting.
  • Master Alen teaches a class on Sword Management at the March Dessert Revel.


  • Guilds are special interest groups open to anyone who wishes to learn more about the guild activities.
  • Woodworkers does NOT meet tomorrow. Please contact Meinhard at for questions about future activities, or check the Cleftlands Woodworkers facebook page.
  • Armourer’s Guild will be meeting at Ealdred’s garage tomorrow night. Please contact him at 440-243-1419 for details.
  • Please check the Cleftlands Equestrian Guild’s Facebook page to see if they are holding practice this upcoming Sunday.
  • Unofficial fencing practice meets this upcoming Sunday. Please contact Cynwrig for details
  • Needleworkers will meet next Tue, 8-Mar at 7 pm at Constanza’s home. She’ll be sending out her address and directions next week. Please contact Madelaine for information at
  • Ginevra will be leading a dance class at meeting  next week around 7:30 about the Galliard or the Cinque Pas (five steps). Easiest medieval dance ever! Also, best aerobic workout. Come and learn how.


  • Nial the Wanderer of Bork, an ex-Cleftlands seneschal, ex-Eastwatch seneschal, and long-term stalwart of the SCA, passed away unexpectedly this last weekend. There will be a memorial and funeral this weekend: please check for information on Facebook, or contact Calum who can direct you to the information.
  • Constanza thanked all the people who served in leadership positions at the event.
  • Calum announced:
    • Falco and Titus of Vito’s Minions both authorized as armored combatants this weekend.
    • Vlad authorized in rapier after a long absence from SCA list fields.
    • The Cleftlands Record Ensemble received a Purple Fretty.
    • Angharad received a Purple Fret.
    • Velvet received a Cavendish Knot.
    • Sirus joined the Red Company.
    • Muldonney joined the Greenwood Company
    • Niccoli Bartolozzi received his Evergreen.
    • Farthegn and Colette were made Court Barons.
    • Brice was given a Doe’s Grace.
    • Sarah of the Eerie seas was placed on vigil for elevation to the Order of the Pelican.
  • The Barons are challenging you to do something you have never done before, and bring that to the March Dessert Revel.
  • Six people came forward as having traveled more than 1500 miles to and from SCA events between NOWM and Regular Event, and received an award of cookies. Elizabeth, who traveled 8,134 miles, won a non-cream pie, which, this time, was not thrown at her. (As it weighs about 2 kg, that was probably for the best.)

Meeting Minutes: 17-Feb-50


  • The Barony has two open officer positions: Minister of Youth and Gold Key (in charge of loaner costumes). Please apply online at the Cleftlands website.


  • Next week is the last week to pre-reg for Regular event: a $2 savings over day-of registration, and a shorter line.
  • Set up will start Friday, 26-Feb at 7 pm. Pizza will be provided to volunteers, as will a chance to set up day camps.
  • Artair is looking for servers and dish washers for Regular event. Please let him know if you can help out. He reminds the newer fighters that dishwashing and serving are wonderful ways to serve your Barony.
  • Don’t forget – Pie at Peer at Regular Event to help fund the Historical Display at 50 Year.
  • Dressed to Kill is still looking for instructors. Please contact Ulfr about teaching armor-related classes, or Leta about teaching costuming classes.


  • There are upcoming times for A&S classes at meeting: please let Crispin know if you’d like to teach over the next couple of months.
  • Next week is the A&S challenge to bring an item that ‘Warms the Heart.’ Please talk with Colette if you have questions about the challenge.
  • At the Known World Exchequers and Seneschal’s meeting, some decisions were announced. 1) Please refer to member/non-member fees rather than to a non-member surcharge. 2) Please refer to registration fees, not admission fees to events, as in some states ‘admission’ fees are subject to entertainment taxes.


  • Guilds are special interst groups open to anyone who wishes to learn more about the guild activities.
  • Woodworkers meets tomorrow (4-Feb) at 7 pm in Meinhard’s home. The current project is knock-down camp trestle tables. Please contact him at
  • Armourer’s Guild will be meeting at Ealdred’s heated garage tomorrow night. Please contact him at 440-243-1419 for details.
  • Please check the Cleftlands Equestrian Guild’s Facebook page to see if they are holding practice this upcoming Sunday. While the weather looks good, there maybe more rain to sog the pasture.
  • Unofficial fencing practice meets this upcoming Sunday but will not mee on 28-Feb after the Regular Event. Please contact Cynwrig for details
  • Needleworkers will meet next Tue, 23-Feb at 7 pm at the Dulcia’s home. She’ll be sending out her address and directions next eek. Please contact Madelaine for information at

Other Announcements

  • Ginevra is organizing car pools and lodging for those interested in attending the dance event, Terpsichore at the Tower on March 5. Please contact her at Ginevra.Boscoli@gmail.
  • Elizabeth wanted to thank the Cleftlanders who donated to the Fund-rasiing Auction at Val Day to fund the Historical  Display at 50 year. The auction raised $1,600.
  • History in Popular Culture program at OSU in Columbus is featuring talks on Shakestpear this weekend. Please check with James Barkley for information.


  • Muldonney had the best handbow performance at Better War through archery.
  • At Candlemas, Thorin was among the last unbelts in the tourney, making it to the final 16 in a 115 fighter tourney.
  • Next week is the Rapier Tourney. All rapier combatants are welcome to participate.
  • The Barons are challenging you to do something you have never done before, and bring that to the March Dessert Revel.

Officer Openings – Minister of Youth, Gold Key

The Barony of the Cleftlands is accepting applications for Minister of Youth and Gold Key. If you would like to be considered for this position, please fill out an application online. The submission will be received by the Baron, Baroness, and Seneschal for review prior to being presented at an Officers meeting for final vote.

Thank you for your interest!

Gianna Vettori

Meeting Minutes: 10-Feb-50

Meeting was cancelled because of snow and bad driving conditions.

Meeting Minutes: 3-Feb-50


  • The Barony is re-opening the search for a Minister of Youth. If you are interested, contact Gianna or complete the form on the website.


  • Regular Event is only a month away. The Event Steward is seeking volunteers for all areas.
  • Bob, is serving as troll: he’s also looking for help to staff to the Troll table.
  • Thomasina is organizing the Breakfast Tavern. Please donate baked and breakfast goods.
  • Milesent is our Royalty Liaison. She still has shifts open for retainers. Please bring her your largess for the royalty gift baskets.
  • There will a volunteer raffle: volunteers will receive a ticket and the raffle will be held at days end. Please donate items for the volunteer raffle to Sabine.


  • Rapier Marshal: Vinnie, the regional Rapier Marshal, is coming to lead Cut and Thrust practices the Wednesday before Dessert Revel each month. In addition, there’s a half hour practice/theory discussion at the beginning of every Wednesday practice, sometime between 7 and 8.
  • Colette invites everyone to bring a A&S gift that will ‘Warm Your Heart’ to the February Dessert revel to share in a  gift raffle.


  • Guilds are open to anyone who wishes to learn more about the guild activities.
  • Woodworkers meets tomorrow (4-Feb) at 7 pm in Meinhard’s home. The current project is items for the volunteer auction. Please contact him at
  • Armorer’s Guild will be meeting at Ealdred’s garage tomorrow night. Please contact him at 440-243-1419 for details.
  • Please check the Cleftlands Equestrian Guild’s Facebook page to see if they are holding practice this upcoming Sunday.
  • Unofficial fencing practice meets this upcoming Sunday despite the rumored Superbowl conflict. Please contact Cynwrig for details
  • Needleworkers will meet Tue, 9-Feb at 7 pm at the home of Robin in Lyndhurst. Address and directions will be posted next week. Please contact Madelaine for information at
  • Syr Ephraim will be leading a class on French Bransles starting at 7:30 at next week’s Cleftlands meeting.
  • Cook’s Guild will be meeting 17-Feb. Master Alen will discuss with us how to pull together an A&S entry and documentation that best fits the criteria.
  • Ginevra is organizing car pools and lodging for those interested in attending the dance event, Terpsichore at the Tower on March 5. Please contact her at


  • Award recommendations must be to the royalty by 21 days before the event. That means you have through this Friday, 5-Feb to put in award recommendations for the Regular Event court. Anyone can submit award recommendations through the herald’s site on the midrealm page:
  • The Travel Challenge is still in effect. Please let the Barons know how many prizes they should plan on making by posting your current mileage on the Cleftlands Facebook page.
  • The February Dessert Revel (Feb-25) is also the next Cleftlands Rapier Tourney. All rapier combatants are invited to compete.
  • The Baron’s A&S Challenge is to present a new A&S skill at the March (30-Mar) Dessert Revel. Documentation of your entry is appreciated but not required.

His Majesty

  • For those attending Gulf Wars in March, His Majesty has MID stickers for your car, so all the Midrealmers can locate one another. Please see him to get your sticker.

Meeting Minutes: 27-Jan-50


  • Exchequer is taking annual site tithes, giving receipts.


  • Pre-reg is open: will save you money and registration time at the event.
  • Milesent is seeking largess, gift items for the baskets to be given to Royalty at Regular event. She is also looking for people to serve as retainers or room guards for their Majesties.


  • Guilds are special interest groups meeting outside Baronial Meeting. If you’re at all interested in the topic, please feel free to attend.
  • Woodworkers meets this Thursday (28-Jan) at Meinhardt’s.  Please contact him for details
  • Armorer’s Guild will be meeting at Ealdred’s garage tomorrow night. Please contact him at 440-243-1419 for details.
  • Unofficial fencing practice meets this upcoming Sunday. Please contact Cynwrig for
  • Check the Equestrian Guild Facebook page to confirm if they’re having practice this upcoming Sunday. They may need to cancel on account of weather.
  • Cooks Guild will be meeting 7:30 at Baronial meeting next Wednesday to work on the Scappi project menus. Please contact baronessangharad@gmail if youv’e questions or an interest.
  • The Heralds will be doing consults next Wednesday on coats of arms and period names, for most of the evening.
  • Needleworkers will meet Tue, 9-Feb at 7 pm at the home of Robin in Lyndhurst. Please contact Madelaine for information at
  • Ginevra is organizing car pools and lodging for those interested in attending Terpsichore at the Tower on March 5. Please contact her at

Other Announcements

  • Mistress Elizabeth is looking for more peers to participate in the Pie a Peer at Regular event as a fund-raise for the 50-year event. She’s also collected acution items for a 50-year fundraiser auction.
  • Sir Lorimer noted that the Kingdom Seneschal is seeking commentary on a change to the rule that events must be at least 100 miles apart, extending it to 150 miles. The reasoning is that there are too many events, causing conflicts and preventing events from breaking even. If you have an opinion, please share it with the Seneschalate.
  • Her Majesties third A&S Challenge will be hld at the Grand Tournament of the Unicorn, first weekend in April. The theme is ‘Courage’.


  • The Barons are challenging the people of the Cleftlands to try ‘something new’, an art or science project new to you, and to share it with them at the March Dessert Revel.
  • Lady Collete is sponsoring a ‘Warm your Heart’ gift exchange at teh February Dessert Revel. Bring a small gift that will warm the heart of someone and they will be exchanged that day.
  • Calum discussed the meaning of Draco Invictus, the battle cry given to the Kingdom by Syr Laurelen. He then presented, along with Julianne, a song written in Constanza’s honor, about how she lived up to it at Pennsic last year.

Meeting Minutes: 20-Jan-50


  • Regular event: Pre-registration is now open. Prereg to save $2 per person.
  • Regular event: Sabine is looking for a Youth Point Coordinator for Regular Event.
  • Dressed to Kill: Leta is organizing Needleworkers classes. Please let her know if you’d like to teach, or have topics you’d like to see taught. Ulfr is handling Armoring classes.


  • The exchequer will provide receipts if you wish to pay your annual tithe.
  • Vinnie, Regional Rapier Marshal was here to to lead Cut and Thrust clinic. He’ll back the last fighting meeting of each month through spring. .


  • Woodworkers meets tomorrow (Jan 14) at Meinhardt’s.  Please contact him for details at
  • Armorer’s Guild will be meeting at Ealdred’s garage tomorrow night. Please contact him at 440-243-1419 for details.
  • Unofficial fencing practice meets this upcoming Sunday. Please contact Cynwrig for details
  • Needleworkers will meet next Tue at 7 pm at the home of Madelaine and Ephraim. Please contact her
  • The Siege Cookery Challenge will be held next Wednesday at the meeting.
  • Ginevra is organizing car pools and lodging for those interested in attending Terpsichore at the Tower on March 5. Please contact her at

Other Announcements

  • Colette invites everyone to participate in a “Warm your heart” gift exchange at February’s dessert revel. Entered items will be displayed from 7pm-9:15pm. I invite all to make something to warm a person’s heart. It can be anything you might think someone else would enjoy. A hat, a scissor case, soap, a candle. It doesn’t have to be anything expensive. Bring an entry and put your name in the hat. During court the names will be picked and when your name is called, you will get to choose an entry to take home. If you have any questions, please contact Colette.


  • Staring in February, the Knights of Cleftlands will be teaching brief classes at meeting starting at 7 pm each week. Next week, Silverthorne will teach.
  • Rapier combatants are invited to compete in the next Rapier Tourney at the last meeting in February will be the next Cleftlands Rapier Tourney.
  • The Barons have issued an A&S challenge: do something NEW to you, and present it at the March Dessert Revel. As always, documentation is admired but not required.
  • The Candlemas event is looking for people to teach classes.
  • The travel challenge is still in effect: counting miles traveled to and from SCA events between the last NOWM and the upcoming January Event. Travel lots to raise your miles.
  • Alen and Constanza will be teaching a class on ‘Courtly Comportment’ at January Dessert Revel.
  • Please remember to submit award recommendations on the Midrealm website.

Meeting Minutes: 13-Jan-50


  • Pre-registration for Regular Event is now open. Prereg to save $2 per person.
  • There are still two staff positions to fill: Breakfast Tavern Coordinator and Merchant Coordinator.
  • There will be a raffle for those who volunteer at the event. Please donate prizes for the Volunteer rafflle.
  • Still looking for prizes for the Rapier Tourneys.
  • At the Armored Tourney, being organized by James Layne, each entrant will bring a prize ‘appropriate to his rank’ starting around $20 value. At the end, the victor of the tourney will have first choice among the prizes, and so down the line. Everyone who fights will take a prize home.


  • The Regional Rapier Marshal will be here next week to lead a class in Cut and Thrust. Auric has extra helmets available for those who want to try it.
  • Arts and science reports are due next week. Please send a report of your activity for the last quarter to, or post it on Facebook.
  • Velvet is now an authorized Youth Rapier Marshall. He’ll be leading classes and training at meeting from 7-7:30 each week. Children between 8 and 14 years may participate—please contact him if you know someone who may be interested.


  • Woodworkers meets tomorrow (Jan 14) at Meinhard’s.  Please contact him for details at
  • Armorer’s Guild will be meeting at Ealdred’s garage tomorrow night. (Really, it’s fine. There’s a furnace!) Please contact him at 440-243-1419 for details.
  • Unofficial fencing practice is resuming this upcoming Sunday. Please contact Cynwrig for details at
  • Cooks’ Guild will meet upstairs next Wednesday to begin assembling the Scappi menus. Please bring index cards with your proposed recipes.
  • The entries to the Siege Cookery Challenge will be presented at the Jan 27 Dessert Revel.  Contact me if you’re interested in participating.
  • Ginevra is organizing carpooling and shared housing to Terpsichore at the Tower: a dance event the first weekend in March. Please contact her if you’re interesting in attending this Royal Progress event at


  • This weekend there are two events within a reasonable distance: Kingdom Twelth Night in Chicago and Andelcrag Winter Revel in Ionia, MI. Please check their website for all the activities.
  • The travel challenge is still in effect: counting miles traveled to and from SCA events between the last NOWM and the upcoming January Event. Travel lots to raise your miles.
  • The Barons have issued an A&S challenge: do something NEW to you, and present it at the March Dessert Revel. As always, documentation is admired but not required.
  • The Barony of Brendoken finds it has a surplus of ballistas and ammo, but a surfeit of siege engineers. If you are interesting in serving as a siege engineer, please contact them on Facebook, or ask Constanza for the Brendoken Siege Engineer contact.

Meeting Minutes: 6-Jan-50


  • Troll is open for Regular Event.
  • The Seneschal, Sabine, is still looking for artwork for the cover of the site flyer
  • Jolicia is asking for help in making ‘Faberge’ eggs for decorating the event the next two meetings. She’ll have Styrofoam eggs and some supplies. Please bring your own supplies and your interest to decorate them.


  • The Exchequer would like you to know that this is a good time to tithe for the year. He can provide receipts for tax purposes.
  • Rapier Marshal: Over the next few months, at the meeting before Dessert Revels, the regional Rapier Marshal will be coming to teach Cut & Thrust. If you have questions, please check with Auric or Cynwrig for information.
  • Iron Key: Please let Tariq know if you either have Iron Key items, or have armor items you’d like to donate to iron key.


  • Needleworkers will meet at Constanza’s home next Tuesday around 7 pm. Contact her for details at
  • Weekend A&S will begin meeting again on Sundays at Katerin’s home. Contact her for details at
  • Unofficial fencing practice is resuming this upcoming Sunday. Please contact Cynwrig for details at
  • Woodworkers will not meet tomorrow, but will begin meeting next Thursday’s at Meinhard’s.  Please contact him for details at
  • Armorer’s will be meeting at Ealdred’s garage tomorrow night. Please contact him at 440-243-1419 for details.
  • Syr Lorimer will be teaching a class on Basic English Country Dance at meeting next week.
  • If you are interested in participating in the Siege Cookery Challenge, please pick up your bag of Siege supplies at the next meeting from Angharad. If you want to ensure there is a bag, please notify her at The prepared dishes should be brought to the dessert revel on 27 Jan.


  • The Kingdom Seneschal has written a letter indicating that the guidelines that no events should be scheduled on the same day within 100-mile of each other will be more strictly enforced in the future. In fact, the Seneschal is considering expanding the rule to allow only one event per weekend in a region.  Please consider this when proposing events.
  • We are in the final few weeks of the Baron’s Travel Challenge: how many miles traveled since NOWM and before the Regular Event. Please keep track.
  • This weekend there are two equidistant kingdom events: Pentamere 12th Night and Flaming Gryphon Spirit of 12th Night. Check the Midrealm Calendar for details at
  • The Barons have issued an A&S challenge: to try something you have never done before and present it at the March Dessert Revel. Documentation is encouraged but not required. Check with them at meeting if you need more information.

Congratulations Fall 2015 Award Recipients!

Congratulations to all the recent Award recipients for October, November, and December!

Middle Kingdom Crown Tournament (15 Oct, 2015)

  • Elizabethe Alles – Order of the Pelican
  • Gwenllian Bengrych ferch Rhys – Order of the White Chamfron

Congratulations Robert, Sorcha, Azemars, Gianna, and Maaicke!

Congratulations to Lord Robert atte Northclyf, Lady Sorcha Brecc ingen Donnchada, Lord Azemars Martel, the Honorable Lady Gianna Vettori, and Lady Maaicke van Zanten for their names and/or devices clearing the College of Heralds!


Robert atte Northclyf Sorcha Brecc ingen Donnchada
Azemars Martel
Vert, a fess checky azure and argent between a hanging balance and an open book Or. Gules, in bend three escallops inverted between two bendlets Or. Azure, a maunche and on a chief argent three fleurs-de-lys azure.
Sorcha Brecc ingen Donnchada
Gianna Vettori
Maaicke van Zanten
Azure, a heron contourny and in chief three mullets argent. (Fieldless) A flamingo contourny sable. Sign of the Blasted Oak