- The Barony is still seeking a Baronial Youth Marshal. If you are interested in serving, please apply online.
- The Barony is still seeking a bid for the 2016 January Event. A bid will be need to be submitted by Coronation.
- The Third Annual Mapleside Demo will be Sept 19 and 20. Set up will start Friday 18 at 6 pm. This is a ‘all hands, all activities” demo requiring A&S displays and presentations, fighting of all types, dancing, singing and all other activities. He has flyers available to share. The Mapleside Fair expects 5-6 thousand people to attend this weekend, so there’s a lot of publicity to be had.
- Jolicia would like to remind people that we may have first timers the next couple of meetings so please plan to bring activities and such to share.
- Coronation is the following Saturday, 9/26.
- There will be a Coronation Staff meeting next Wed, 8/26 at 8 pm.
- Coronation Troll is now open. Madelaine will be taking pre-registration at every meeting until Coronation. She is also looking for volunteers as there will be two troll sites, one in each building, that need to be staffed all day.
- Paet is looking for loaned fabric to be used in decorating the Coronation hall. Please contact her at if you have fabric that she could use.
- Standard Bearer’s: Receipts for Standard Bearer’s need to be in to the Exchequer (Bob) by next meeting. After that, they will be considered donations.
- Chatelaine
- We had two first time attendees tonight. Duncan is not new to the SCA, but is new to Cleftlands having just moved to the area. He kindly helped set up the field at the beginning of the night. Mackenzie attended Standard Bearer’s but this is his first meeting. He was out fencing already.
- Minister of Arts & Sciences
- Please plan on sharing what you learned in Pennsic classes, or schedule classes of any kind. Contact him so he can schedule your at-meeting classes.
- Exchequer
- If you’d like to pay your tithe for the year or half-year, please contact him and he’ll arrange a receipt.
- Woodworkers is not meeting this week due to ongoing electrical work.
- Unofficial rapier practice is still in hiatus until after Labor Day.
- Equestrian Guild is meeting this Sunday 3-6 pm with a potluck to follow. For details, please check the Cleftlands Equestrian Guild Facebook page.
- Armorer’s will be held tomorrow at Clariel and Ealdred’s home. The garage is a bit crammed due to a recent acquisition of furniture so you may be asked to help excavate work space.
- Needleworkers will not meet this upcoming Tuesday. However, next Wednesday, please bring your handouts or class notes from Pennsic Fiber Arts and Sewing classes to share at a Needleworker’s Round Table. Next month, we’ll move back to the two meetings a month schedule.
Other / SCA Business
- Pietro is also asking that everyone bring their class handouts and notes from all types of classes to next week’s meeting to share and discuss.
- Sorcha’s one-woman show opens this Saturday at Penitentiary Glen this Saturday. The receiption is 12-4. The show will be up through 10/10.
Baron & Baroness
- The new Baronial Champions are:
- Rapier: Pietro Nicolo da San Tebaldo
- A&S: Gwenllian Bengrych ferch Rhys
- Archery: Tarmach ben Yehuda al-Khazari
- Standard Bearer:Matheus Mac Eoin
- Kingdom Awards Granted at Pennsic:
- 1st Billy Goat Mountain Division – Dragon’s Teeth (just ask them)
- Ajax of Vito’s Minions – Award of the Dragon’s Tooth
- Constanza de Mendoza – Award of the Dragon’s Tooth
- Ginevra Boscoli – Order of the Evergreen
- Moll Southerdon – Order of the Evergreen
- Madelaine Bouvier – Order of the Dragon’s Heart
- Elizabeth Alles – Order of the Pelican
- Wigthegn Wynfang – Order of Chivalry
- Highlights of War for the Cleftlands:
- Of 7 Midrealm participants in the A&S war point, 3 were from Cleftlands, Eikbrandr, Oliver. and Sorcha, who took the highest individual score.
- Of 15 Midrealm Archery Champions, 8 were of the Cleftlands including Garvin and his son, Greybarr, Lanin, Zuriel, Tarmach, Muldonney and Gwyneth.
- Of the Belted Champions, 6 Cleftlands knights were on the team (Eikbrandr, Nikolai, Kjartan, Alaric, Silverthorne, and Artair) while Crispin stood as an alternate.
- Of the Unbelted Champions, Wynfang stood the field before his knighting.
- Participating in the Century Battle were Crispin, Thorin, Eikbrandr and Silverthorne.
- Thanks!
- … to the many people who helped put up and take down the Baronial pavilion, and to Oliver, who transported it to and from Pennsic along with his A&S display.
- … to Jolicia and Bob who answered the call to help set up Midrealm Royal.
- … to the Battlefield Hospitality team of Becky, Leta, and Birna.
- The Barons are still hosting the Travel Challenge: most miles traveled between NOWM and the January event, as well as a prize to everyone over 1500 miles.
- We do need a January event bid to complete the challenge, or it’s going to have to be rewritten.
- The September Dessert Revel will also host the next Cleftlands Rapier Tourney.