The Barony is still looking for a new Youth Marshall. Please let the seneschal or Barons know if you’re interested in serving.
9/26 is the last date for submitting a bid for the January event.
Mapleside Demo is this weekend. Set up will begin Friday at 5:30. If you’re bringing a lot of supplies, please be on site Saturday or Sunday before 9. If you’re coming south on Pearl, you can turn directly into the parking lot and park behind the restaurant. If you’re coming the other way, you need to pass the site and drive back.
Meinhard is handling parking for Coronation and could use assistance.
Baked goods are still needed for breakfast and lunch, as well as the royalty room.
The Royalty Liaison still needs guards, and retainers.
Next Wednesday is the Newcomers’ Night with many classes, and demonstrations. Please consider bringing food for the evening. If you’re interested in another display, demo, or class, please let Sir Crispin know.
Unofficial Fencing practice is suspended for the next two weeks due to Mapleside demo and then Coronation.
Equestrian Guild is meeting this Sunday as usual. Check the Facebook page for details.
Woodworkers will meet at Meinhard’s tomorrow at 7 pm, and will be preparing for next week’s Newcomer’s Night.
Needleworkers will meet Wed 9/29 to start making largess for their Highness’s to present to children. If you have spare felt or embroidery floss to support this effort, please bring it the 29th.
Matheus, as Standard Bearer, will be leading the Heavy Combat Guild that has long been listed on the website. He encourages fighters to let him know if you’re attending Rose Tourney, Mapleside Demo, Coronation (Pole Axe and Buckler Tourneys) or Red Dragon so he can help coordinate a Baronial presence at these events.
Baron & Baroness
Please come to support the Mapleside demo.
Lord Brendoken wanted to thank Matheus and Thorin who supported Brendoken at the Battle of the Five Armies at Harvest Days.
He also asks for Cleftlanders to come and support the Brendoken Newcomer’s and Baronial Championship event, DragonQuest, on 10/24.
There’s still a travel challenge with prizes for those who travel 1500 miles between NOWM and January event, and the one who travels the most. Please consider submitting a January event to make a final end to the travel challenge. The Barons Brendoken have offered that we could use event sites on their lands.
At September Dessert Revel (9/29) the next Cleftlands Rapier Tournament will be held.
Her Highness
Thanks the Barony for all the work going into Coronation.