Meeting Minutes: 21-Oct-50
- Artair announced a Demo on 11/14 for students at Beck Center first thing in the morning. They’re still working out the details of what’s needed, but please consider attending.
- Auric is still gathering information for the Rapier Fighter’s census. He’s posted the list of requested information to both Cleftlist and the Cleftlands Facebook group. Please respond to him by 10/29. Crossover fighters count!
- Chatelaine introduced Mikhaila, who was attending her first meeting.
- Scribal Guild meets Nov 2 at Aidan’s home in Euclid for a class on Pigment Making.
- Armorer’s Guild is meeting tomorrow evening at 7 pm at Ealdred and Clariel’s. Please contact them at 440-243-1419 for directions or information.
- Woodworker’s Guild will be meeting tomorrow at Meinhard’s at 7 pm. Please contact him at for directions or information.
- Unofficial Fencing practice will meet this Sunday at 4 pm. For info, contact Edward at, or Cynwrig at
- East Side archery practice will occur Sunday at 4 pm at 411 Douglas Blvd, Richmond Heights, OH 44143-1747, Gwynydd’s home. Please check the Cleftlands face book page for info.
- Equestrian Guild will meet 3-6 pm. Due to increasing veterinarian and other costs, they are asking that riders and drivers contribute $10 towards expenses. Contact layne.james@gmail.comfor details and directions.
- Next Wednesday at Dessert Revel, the Cook’s Guild hosts a Cook’s Challenge on the theme of aspic or gelatin.
- In addition, the Cook’s Guild has chosen to start a multi-month project researching dishes for a 16th century Italian feast. If you’re interested in learning more, please contact Angharad
- At Crown Tourney, several Cleftlanders received awards: Tariq was made Queen’s champion. Gwen received the White Chamfron. Chisato his Silver Oak. Elizabeth Alles was elevated to the Order of the Pelican. Milesent and Sorcha were scribes for the event. Nickolai and Serena were presented with their new heirs, Cameron and Amalie.
- Next week is the Brendoken newcomers’ event DragonQuest, being held about 1.5 hours to the south of Cleveland. We’ve had a lot of new people in the last month – this would be an excellent event to learn more about the SCA.
- The Baronial Travel Challenge is still outstanding. Prizes for everyone who travels more than 1500 miles to SCA events between NOWM (last June) and the January event (Being held late this upcoming February to allow you extra time to pile on the miles), and for the person who has the farthest overall.