Meeting Notes: 7-Oct-50
- There will be an officers meeting on October 14.
- Coronation: Edward FitzRanulf gave his thank yous to the Coronation staff. Madelaine thanked all those assisted with Troll, and Angharad her kitchen staff.
- Jolicia introduced Derek and Heidi, attending their first meeting, after encountering the SCA at Mapleside Demo.
- Unofficial Fencing Practice will be held on Sunday. Please contact Cynwrig ( or Edward FitzRanulf (
- Armorer’s Guild will be held at Ealdred and Clairiel’s home this Thursday at 7 pm. Please contact Clariel at 440-243-1419 for details
- Woodworkers Guild will meet on Thursday at Meinhard’s home to work on turn carver’s mallets. Please contact him at for details.
- The Libator’s Guild of Vito’s Minions will be meeting Thursday around 7 at the Pumpkin Beer and Food fest. Please join them.
- The next Cook’s Challenge is for the October Dessert Revel on the thme of “Aspic”. Please contact Angharad at for details.
Baron & Baroness
- James Barkley presented a Dragon’s Barb medallion, originally received by Garvin then passed to James, and now presented to Tarmach.
- At coronation, several Cleftlanders received awards:
- Sorcha brecc ingen Donnchada – Order of the Willow
- Tarmach ben Yeduha al-Khazari – Order of the Dragon’s Barb
- James Barkley – Order of the Greenwood Company
- Brangwayn Snowden – Order of the Dragon’s HEart
- Sorcha Fraser – Order of the Purple Fret
- Oliver Stillman – Order of the Royal Vanguard
- The Barons are still sponsoring the Travel Challenge: Over 1500 or ‘Mostest’ miles travelled to SCA events between NOWM and January event. (And yes, there’s at least one January Event bid for next year.)