Category: Revels

Congratulations Sir Kobel, Rapier Champion!

On Wednesday, November 20th, the Cleftlands lists were opened up to all rapier combatants to test their mettle in the annual tournament. Numerous inspired combatants stepped forth and took to the lists. When the flurry of steel and sweat slowed and the last blows were counted, one rapier combatant emerged victorious. Congratulations to Sir Kobel …

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Congratulations Forester Muldonny, Rapier Champion!

On Wednesday, November 30th, the Cleftlands lists were opened up to all rapier combatants to test their mettle in the annual tournament. Numerous inspired combatants stepped forth and took to the lists. When the flurry of steel and sweat slowed and the last blows were counted, one rapier combatant emerged victorious. Congratulations to Forester Muldonny …

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November Dessert Revel: Cleftlands Rapier Classic and Dessert Revel

Their Excellencies Pietro and Aurelia, sixth Barone and Baronessa of the Cleftlands, cordially invite you to their fall Cleftlands Rapier Classic and Dessert Revel. This tournament and revel will be held on Wednesday, November 30th, 2022 in Euclid, OH. All authorized rapier combatants are encouraged to participate regardless of rank, station, or location. The tournament …

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May Dessert Revel: Armored Tournament

Their Excellencies Barone Pietro e Baronessa Aurelia della Cleftlands cordially invite you to their Armored Combat Tournament and spring-themed dessert revel and held on Wednesday, May 25 at St. John of the Cross located at 140 Richmond Rd, Euclid, OH 44143. Tournament Details: This is a double elimination 3-person team tournament with non-repeating weapons styles …

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Medieval (Movie) Night

On February 26, the Barony of the Cleftlands gathered together to have a relaxing medieval (movie) night in the calm before the storm of Regular Event. Members gathered together for a viewing of The Princess Bride on the big screen, dressed in either comfortable garb or portraying their most beloved characters from the film. In …

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February Dessert Revel: Medieval (Movie) Night

Greetings unto the populace and neighbors of the Cleftlands! On Wednesday, February 26 the regularly scheduled dessert revel will be transformed into a Medieval (Movie) Night! Join us for a relaxing night featuring The Princess Bride and participate in our homage to Princess Buttercup by bringing a butter-themed dish to share! Dress in your favorite …

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Cleftlands Yule

On December 18, 2019, the Barony of the Cleftlands celebrated the end of the month, nay the end of the year, with a solstice themed revel highlighting the eternal ebb and flow of dark and light. Many of our members dressed the theme or dressed the season to celebrate. The snack table was laden with …

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December Dessert Revel: Yule Revel

Their Excellencies Crispin and Gianna, fifth Baron and Baroness of the Cleftlands, cordially invite you to their December Dessert Revel to be held on Wednesday, December 18, 2019 in Euclid, OH. Enjoy a relaxing evening among friends celebrating the end of year festivities! Bring your favorite dessert or festive drink to share, make merriment, and …

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Congratulations Sir Silverthorn, Rapier Champion!

On Wednesday, November 20th, the Cleftlands lists were opened up to all rapier combatants to test their mettle in the annual tournament. Numerous inspired combatants stepped forth and took to the lists. When the flurry of steel, sweat, and distribution of carnations slowed and the last blows were counted, one rapier combatant emerged victorious. Congratulations …

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November Dessert Revel: Cleftlands Rapier Classic

Their Excellencies Crispin and Gianna, fifth Baron and Baroness of the Cleftlands, cordially invite you to their fall Cleftlands Rapier Classic. This tournament will be held on Wednesday, November 20th, 2019 in Euclid, OH. All authorized rapier combatants are encouraged to participate regardless of rank, station, or location. The tournament will commence around 7:45 PM. …

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Medieval Monster Mash

On October 30, the Barony of the Cleftlands gathered together to celebrate Halloween with our own Medieval Monster Mash! The traditional costume contest was inspired by the recent exhibit Medieval Monsters at the Cleveland Museum of Art. Entrants were encouraged to look into the pages and lore in history! The Cooks Guild held their own …

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October Dessert Revel: Medieval Monster (Mash)

Greetings unto the populace and neighbors of the Cleftlands! On Wednesday, October 30 the regularly scheduled dessert revel will be transformed into a Medieval Monster Mash! Join us for a medieval monster-themed garb challenge, participate in a subtlety challenge sponsored by the Cleftlands Cooks Guild (Awesome Offal), and so much more! Some help will be …

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Cleftlands Open House

The Barony of the Cleftlands, the Cuyahoga County (Cleveland), Ohio chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is hosting an open house at our regular Wednesday meeting in Euclid, OH on the 25th of September from 7:00 to 10:00 PM. The Society for Creative Anachronism is an international non-profit volunteer educational organization. The SCA …

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A Not-So-Medieval Potluck

On June 26, the Barony of the Cleftlands gathered together to celebrate A Not-So-Medieval Potluck! Our many members arrived with their favorite potluck fare in hand and relaxed while His Excellency Crispin tended the hearth fires.  Thank you to all those who contributed and attended!

June Dessert Revel: A Not-So-Medieval Potluck

Their Excellencies Crispin and Gianna, fifth Baron and Baroness of the Cleftlands, cordially invite you to their June Dessert Revel to be held on Wednesday, June 26, 2019 in Euclid, OH. Summer seems to have finally arrived, so it’s time to celebrate! This coming Wednesday, June 26, at the revel at our normal meeting site …

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Congratulations Duke Valharic!

On Wednesday, April 24th, the Cleftlands lists were opened up to all armored combatants to test their mettle in the annual tournament. The theme of combat for the tournament was a random weapon style, including a rather humorous two-shield survival challenge. Numerous inspired combatants stepped forth and took to the lists. When the flurry of …

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April Dessert Revel: Armored Combat Tournament

Their Excellencies Crispin and Gianna, fifth Baron and Baroness of the Cleftlands, cordially invite you to their spring Cleftlands Armored Combat Tournament. This tournament will be held on Wednesday, April 24th, 2019 at St. John of the Cross located at 140 Richmond Rd, Euclid, OH 44143 starting no later than 8:00 PM. All authorized armored …

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All Roads Lead to Rome Revel

On March 27, the Barony of the Cleftlands gathered together to celebrate All Roads Lead to Cleftlands Rome! Our many members arrived for a night of fine dining, dancing, and revelry courtesy of Rome. Special thanks to Lady Claricia for orchestrating this revel, Duchess Runa Æikibrandskona for arranging the many teachers who shared their knowledge …

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March Dessert Revel: All Roads Lead to Rome

Their Excellencies Crispin and Gianna, fifth Baron and Baroness of the Cleftlands, cordially invite you to their March Dessert Revel to be held on Wednesday, March 27, 2019 in Euclid, OH. Enjoy a relaxing evening among friends celebrating all all things Roman. Bring your favorite dessert or festive drink to share, wear your newly sewn …

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December Dessert Revel: Cleftlands Yule

Their Excellencies Crispin and Gianna, fifth Baron and Baroness of the Cleftlands, cordially invite you to their December Dessert Revel to be held on Wednesday, December 19, 2018 in Euclid, OH. Enjoy a relaxing evening among friends celebrating the end of year festivities! Bring your favorite dessert or festive drink to share, enjoy the dulcet …

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