On Wednesday, November 28th, the Cleftlands lists were opened up to all rapier combatants to test their mettle in the annual tournament. Numerous inspired combatants stepped forth and took to the lists. When the flurry of steel, sweat, and distribution of carnations slowed and the last blows were counted, one rapier combatant emerged victorious. Congratulations to the Sir Silverthorn of Drachenmoor, inspired by Mistress Constanza de Mendoza, for winning the tournament and the tourney prize of a set of feast gear.
In addition to the rapier festivities, Lady Claricia de la Mere sponsored a friendly wagers table. Congratulations to Lady Orsina della Luna for correctly choosing the right square combination and winning $75 in gift cards, and to the honorable Lady Dulcia Wylde for choosing the second winning square and securing a delicious edible prize pack.
Special thanks to our marshals in charge, Sir Alen Elegil and Mistress Sarah of the Erie Sea and our list mistresses, Duchess Runa Æikibrandskona and Mistress Zuriel Nightshade.
The list included:
- Sir Calum MacDhaibhidh inspired by Baroness Angharad ferch Tangwystl
- Sir Silverthorn of Drachenmoor inspired by Mistress Constanza de Mendoza
- The Honorable Lord Edward Fitz Ranulf inspired by Lady Eleanore Van Tyne
- The Honorable Lord Pietro Nicolo da San Tebaldo inspired by Mistress Aurelia Rosetti
- Forester Muldony McVriw inspired by Forester Gwyneth Cole
- Forester Gwyneth Cole inspired by Forester Muldony McVriw
- Warder Jao Veludo Alfonso d’Albuquerque inspired by Lady Yashoda D’Albuquerque
- Lord Ladislaus Vulcu (Vlad) inspired by Lady Branwen filia Paynell
- Lord Gunther Arnbach inspired by Cherie
- Lord Cynwrig ap Llywelyn inspired by Lady Maaicke van Zanten
- Lord Alessandro Vitturi Da Canal inspired by Noble Wrin the Red
- Lord Labros of Vito’s Minions inspired by Lady Ragna stórráða Úlfsdóttir
- Lord Levi Athan of Cleftlands inspired by Jocelyn of Cleftlands
- Lady Orsina della Luna inspired by Lady Meridian of the Wood
- Lady Jaquelinne de la Deicier inspired by Tabitha and Allison Eychener-de Val
- Guy Durrand inspired by Aleese
- Feris inspired by Captain Vitus Aurelius

Photograph by: Lord Tarmach ben Yehuda al-Khazari.