Their Excellencies Crispin and Gianna, fifth Baron and Baroness of the Cleftlands, cordially invite you to their December Dessert Revel to be held on Wednesday, December 18, 2019 in Euclid, OH. Enjoy a relaxing evening among friends celebrating the end of year festivities! Bring your favorite dessert or festive drink to share, make merriment, and dance the night away. Our theme this year is a Festival of Lights!
Since times unrecorded, people around the world have noted and celebrated the winter solstice. It is the time of the longest night, but also when the days start getting longer. Many celebrations have hinged around that dichotomy; the time of rest for fields and people, while they look forward to being ready for the return of warmth. Death and rebirth, dark and light.
- From the story of the Green Knight, to the Slavs’ Korochun, many tales of winter solstice represent the yearly turning point with a contest. This year, we’ll be doing our own version to see which will win – except through games, not head-chopping!
Come dressed to represent either the longest night or the coming longer days – bring out your dark or light garb, get macabre or angelic! Or both?
Whichever side you choose will get points when you play the games to see whether night or day is stronger.
Table centerpieces can go all dark, or all light, or a balance of the two.
Gift exchange: Pick an item in good repair from your SCA closet, or craft something for the occasion. Maybe it’s a kit you bought for a craft you don’t practice, a piece of garb from an old persona, or that really cool embroidered bag you just made – whatever you’d like to see go to a good home. Everyone can participate, and gifts will be chosen randomly (and can be exchanged after opening). You never know what you might get!
Thanks everyone and hope to see you at Yule Revel!!