Their Excellencies Crispin and Gianna, fifth Baron and Baroness of the Cleftlands, cordially invite you to their March Dessert Revel to be held on Wednesday, March 27, 2019 in Euclid, OH. Enjoy a relaxing evening among friends celebrating all all things Roman. Bring your favorite dessert or festive drink to share, wear your newly sewn or created items inspired by the many Roman-themed classes, or dance the night away.
We look forward to seeing you!
Schedule classes include (links to Facebook events):
- February 13 – Roman Wire & Bead Necklace
- February 20 – Roman Wire & Bead Earrings
- February 27 – Simple Roman Fibulae
- March 13 – Roman Desserts
- March 20 – Roman Clothing for the SCA
- March 27 – All Roads Lead to Rome Revel