26-Apr: 7:30 PM. Virtual Needleworkers. Guild head: Miriana. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88261643621?pwd=UGx1TTdPcVdNNWtHZFhDZkxYR0d5Zz09 28-Apr: 7 PM. In person Armourer’s Guild. Guild head: Calum. Event Info at: http://www.cleftlands.org/calendar/
Category: Guilds
A&S Activities, week of 18-Apr
19-Apr: 7 PM. Virtual Bardic Open Mic. Host: Ezra. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89768898132?pwd=bnQ3Nm5GQit1VVZKTDhFMnhEck5nUT09 20-Apr: 7 pm. Scribal Workshop. Host: Aiden. Event info at http://www.cleftlands.org/calendar/ 21-Apr: 7 PM. In person Armourer’s Guild. Guild head: Calum. Event info at http://www.cleftlands.org/calendar/
A&S Activities week of 11-Apr
12-Apr: 7:30 PM. Virtual Needleworkers. Guild head: Miriana. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88261643621?pwd=UGx1TTdPcVdNNWtHZFhDZkxYR0d5Zz09 14-Apr: 7 PM. In person Armourer’s Guild. Guild head: Calum. Event info at http://www.cleftlands.org/calendar/
A&S Activities: Week of 4-April
5-Apr: 7 PM. Virtual Bardic Open Mic. Host: Ezra. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89768898132pwd=bnQ3Nm5GQit1VVZKTDhFMnhEck5nUT09 6-Apr. 7 PM. In person class: Wajopiie and Bannocks. Instructor: Rojhan. Event details at: http://www.cleftlands.org/calendar/ 7-Apr: 7 PM. In person Armourer’s Guild. Guild head: Calum. Event details at http://www.cleftlands.org/calendar/ 9-Apr: 9 AM- 7 PM: Dressed to Kill Symposium. Event details at http://symposium.cleftlands.org/
A&S Activities: Week of 28-Mar
Click the event link to open the virtual event. Click the Event Info link to open a calendar entry for an in-person event. Wed, 30-Mar at 7 pm: Virtual A&S Show and Tell. Thu, 31-Mar at 7 PM: In person Armourers Guild. Event Info.
A&S Activities: Week of 21-Mar
Click the event link to open the virtual event. Click the Event Info link to open a calendar entry for an in-person event. Tue, 22-Mar at 7:30 PM: Virtual Needleworkers Wed, 23-Mar at 6 PM; In Person Meeting. Event Info. Wed, 23-Mar at 7 PM: First Nation Quill Beads. Event Info. Sun, 27-Mar at 4 …
A&S Activities: Week of 14-Mar
Click the event link to open the virtual event. Click the Event Info link to open a calendar entry for an in-person event. Tue, 15-Mar at 7 PM: Virtual Bardic Open Mic. Thu, 17-Mar at 7 PM: In Person Armourers Guild. Event Info.
A&S Activities: Week of 7-Mar
Click the event link to open the virtual event. Click the Event Info link to open a calendar entry for an in-person event. Mon, 7-Mar at 7 PM: Virtual Scribe’s Guild Tue, 8-Mar at 7:30 PM: Virtual Needleworkers Wed, 9-Ma at 6:00 PM: : In person Baronial Meeting. Event Info. Thu, 10-Mar at 7 PM: …
A&S Activities: Week of 28-Feb
Tue, 1-Mar, 7:00 pm: Bardic Open Mic. Wed, 2-Mar, 7:00 pm: A&S Show and Tell. Thu, 3-Mar, 8 pm: Virtual Armourers.
A&S Activities: Week of 21-Feb
Mon, 21-Feb, 7 pm: Planting a Pollinator Garden. Tue, 22-Feb, 7:30 pm: Virtual Needleworkers. Wed, 23-Feb, 7:30 pm: In person Scribal Workshop at Baronial meeting Thu, 24-Feb, 8 pm: Virtual Armourers. Sun, 27-Feb, 4 pm: Gardener’s Roundtable.
A&S Activities: Week of 14-Feb
Tue, 15-Feb, 7 pm: Bardic Open Mic. Thu, 17-Feb, 8 pm: Virtual Armourers,
A&S Activities: Week of 7-Feb
Mon, 7-Feb, 7 pm: Virtual Scribes. Tue, 8-Feb, 7:30 pm: Virtual Needleworkers. Thu, 10-Feb, 8 pm: Virtual Armourers. Sat, 12-Feb: 9 am to 8 pm: Virtual Winter RUM Sun, 13-Feb, 4 pm: Gardener’s Roundtable.
Upcoming A&S Activities: 15-Nov
Wed, 17-Nov, 7:00 pm: SCA 101 taught by Jolicia, at Baronial Mtg Thu, 18-Nov, 7 pm: Armourer’s Guild Thu, 25-Nov: Thanksgiving. (A&S Activity for many Cooks!) Wed, 1-Dec, 7;00 pm: Wire-Wrapped Rings, taught by Jolicia, at Baronial Mtg Thu, 2-Dec, 7 pm: Armourer’s Guild Mon, 6-Dec, 7 pm: Virtual Scribe’s Symposium led by Aiden Thu, …
A&S Activities: Week of 25-Oct
Tue, 26-Oct, 7:30 pm Virtual Needleworker’s Guild: Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88261643621?pwd=UGx1TTdPcVdNNWtHZFhDZkxYR0d5Zz09 Wed, 27-Oct, 7 pm: Artisan’s Show-and-Tell: Join Zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89827491345?pwd=UXJONkI4eEJIWlR3TTZrQ3pKZFpWZz09 Thu, 28-Oct, 6 pm: Armourer’s Guild Again: In person at Ealdred and Clariel’s garage. Contact calum@wowway.com with questions. Further details are available on the Cleftlands calendar on our website, and our group’s FB page.
A&S Activities: Week of 18-Oct
Wed, 20-Oct, 7:30 pm: Bannocks or Bust: In person class at meeting site. Thu, 21-Oct: Last week of No Armourer’s Guild Sat, 23-Oct: Regular Event: Classes, A&S Display Further details are available on the Cleftlands calendar on our website, and our group’s FB page.
A&S Activities: Week of 11-Oct
Tue, 12-Oct, 7:30 pm: Virtual Needleworkers: Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88261643621?pwd=UGx1TTdPcVdNNWtHZFhDZkxYR0d5Zz09 Wed, 13-Oct, 6:30: Three SCA-Guided Tours at CMA (tours start at 6:30, please try to arrive by 6 pm) 11150 East Blvd, Cleveland, OH. Meet in the center of the Atrium. Thu, 14-Oct: No Armorer’s Guild. Sat, 16-Oct: Crown Tourney: evening Bardic activities. Further details are …
Local A&S Activities: Week of 19-July
20-Jul: Anti-Social Club will be meeting at Stephen von Lubeck’s from 7 to 10 pm. Please contact him on FB under the name Stephen Kerg for directions and information on the week’s theme. 21-Jul: Baronial Meeting at St. John of the Cross School, 140 Richmond Rd, Cleveland, OH 44143. There will be various activities including …
A&S Activities: Week of 26-Apr
Tue, 27-Apr, 7:30 pm: Cleftlands Needleworkers: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88261643621?pwd=UGx1TTdPcVdNNWtHZFhDZkxYR0d5Zz09 Wed, 28-Apr; 7:30 pm: Cleftlands Gardeners: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89056355623?pwd=cDk2akZ2cDlGRVpvWi9zdEJnNXhtZz09 Thu, 29-Apr, 8 pm: Cleftlands Armorers: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84704344487?pwd=UGJrZUxqNW5JQ05jeHBtYWdLQUl4QT09 For more details about these activities, check the Cleftlands calendar at http://www.cleftlands.org/calendar/
A&S Activities: Week of 19-Apr
Thu, 22-Apr, 8 pm: Cleftlands Armorers: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84704344487?pwd=UGJrZUxqNW5JQ05jeHBtYWdLQUl4QT09 For more details about these activities, check the Cleftlands calendar at http://www.cleftlands.org/calendar/
A&S Activities: Week of 21-Mar
21-Mar, 7 pm: Renaissance Perfumes – a practical approach. https://zoom.us/j/96889814108?pwd=cWp5eWd6TXRZRjVtMld0T3JKckloUT09 22-Mar, 7 pm: How to Create a Class from What you Know. https://zoom.us/j/94652469695?pwd=Z2lGR1oxWTd6L2dQYTdnTCszY3Jhdz09 23-Mar, 7 pm: Trans History. https://zoom.us/j/99315314900?pwd=WmRVTWpWblBNYUEwckpXUFE2N3ZVQT09 7:30 pm: Needleworkers’ Guild. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88261643621?pwd=UGx1TTdPcVdNNWtHZFhDZkxYR0d5Zz09 24-Mar, 7 pm: Intro to the Midrealm Pages School. https://zoom.us/j/91513430461?pwd=YWJlN3hIOHFBV0UzTXNOMWdYRmRZUT09 25-Mar, 8 pm: Armourers Guild meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84704344487?pwd=UGJrZUxqNW5JQ05jeHBtYWdLQUl4QT09 For more details about …