Wed, 17-Nov, 7:00 pm: SCA 101 taught by Jolicia, at Baronial Mtg Thu, 18-Nov, 7 pm: Armourer’s Guild Thu, 25-Nov: Thanksgiving. (A&S Activity for many Cooks!) Wed, 1-Dec, 7;00 pm: Wire-Wrapped Rings, taught by Jolicia, at Baronial Mtg Thu, 2-Dec, 7 pm: Armourer’s Guild Mon, 6-Dec, 7 pm: Virtual Scribe’s Symposium led by Aiden Thu, …
Category: Demos
Cleveland Mini Maker Fair Demo
On Saturday, November 4th, fourteen members of the Barony of the Cleftlands participated in the Mini Maker Fair at the Cleveland Public Library. The event showcased the talents of makers from far and wide. Exhibits included life-sized functioning models of Star Wars droids, a Tesla Coil orchestra, and a 30-foot long fire-breathing metal dragon. The …
Cleftlands Open House
The Barony of the Cleftlands, the Cuyahoga County (Cleveland), Ohio chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. will be hosting an open house on Wednesday September 27th from 7:00 to 10:00 PM in Euclid, OH. The SCA is an international organization dedicated to researching and re-creating the arts and skills of pre-17th-century Europe. Our …
East 200th Street Demo
On Saturday, June 3rd members of the Barony of the Cleftlands participated in the East 200th Street Stroll, just around the corner from the Regular Meeting site. The armored combat and rapier list drew a lot of attention and visitors to our demonstration were dazzled by the variety of activities on display. These activities included: …
King Arthur Movie Premier
The Barony of the Cleftlands was asked to provide a demonstration for the sneak preview of the new King Arthur movie at Valley View Cinema. Twenty-three members attended and spoke with patrons and provided literature to generate interest in our group and activities. The movie received mixed reviews. Some energetically enjoyed it for its action …
Cleftlands Open House
The Barony of the Cleftlands, the Cuyahoga County (Cleveland), Ohio chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. will be hosting an open house in lieu of our regular Wednesday meeting in Euclid, OH on the September 28th from 7:00 to 10:00 PM. The SCA is an international organization dedicated to researching and re-creating the …