Meeting Minutes: 26-Jun-59


Pennsic is coming!

For the full list of Midrealm events, visit the kingdom calendar at

Guild & Officer announcements

Archery:  no archery practice next week

Armorers:  meeting at regular time & place, see Baron Calum for details

Arts & Sciences: next week (7/3) we have –

Hands-on Viking Hood Tutorial with Noble Thory Vedardottir

“Help Me Lyonnete, You’re My Only Hope” Garb Help Desk with HL Lyonnete Vibert.

Cooks: this month’s theme was siege cooking; we had 5 participants playing with mystery bags of ingredients!

Demos:  our 3rd Scottish games demo was this past weekend, and was a great success – many thanks from Shahzada & Mistress Elizabethe to everyone who came out to help participate with many varied activities, and who helped with setup and tear down.

Exchequer:  we ask each person to donate $2/meeting, or $100/yr; if this is your 1st meeting, please be our guest

Garb-a-Thon: next meeting is in three weeks – Friday 7/12 from 10-4 at Bedford Library

Musicians: Wednesday rehearsals @ 6:45 – 8pm, indoors or outside depending on weather

Meetings and Cleftlands’ Home Schedule

  • July 3, 10 – Normal Meetings
  • July 17 – Archery Tournament and Cookout at St. John (pending confirmation from the parish, weather, and other factors)
  • July 24 – Our Baronial Knight Marshal will be on hand to oversee practice this week.
  • July 31 – Wednesday of Peace Week
  • August 7 – Wednesday of War Week
  • August 14 – Still a “Home Fires” special meeting
  • August 21 – Regular meetings resume this Wednesday.  Armored fighting resumes this week.
  • August 28 – Armored “Tournament of the Sword” and High Summer Solemnities (war pay, et al)

Normally, we would have a 4-week hiatus across Pennsic-time. Beginning this year there will be baronial meetings through this period, staffed by Meistara Thorhalla & the Home Fires crew.

The Company of the Cleftlands at Pennsic:

Tuesday 30 July (Tuesday of Peace Week) – 10AM – Meet on the Battlefield for the raising of the Baronial Tent. Bring a hammer. (Penciled in – changes will be announced on Facebook)

Saturday 03 August – 8AM – Artillery Crews muster at Newbridge Encampment to walk the guns out for the Battle of LaRochelle (Castle, 9AM)

Saturday 03 August (Middle Weekend) – 5PM – Opening Ceremonies on the Battlefield. Any who wish to march with the Barony in the Midrealm procession, muster on the road outside MK Royal Encampment no later than 4PM.

Monday 05 August (War Week) – Noon – Rapier Company muster at the Camp of the Three Bears for a 12:30 march to the Rapier Town/Cathedral Battle (1PM)

Thursday 08 August (War Week) – 9:30AM – Archery Company muster at the Camp of the Three Bears for a 10AM march(ride) to the Archery Field. [This conflicts with the Armored Woods Battle]

Thursday 08 August – 6PM – Middle Kingdom Court in the MK Battlefield Tent. Arrive early, bring your own chairs.

Friday 09 August (War Week) – 9AM – Armored Company muster at the Camp of the Three Bears for a 9:30 march to the Armored Field Battle.

Friday 09 August – 4PM – Meet on the Battlefield to drop and fold the Baronial Tent.

 Come home prepared to share a tale or a boast of great deeds you witnessed at The War!

General Announcements

Suggestion for our 8/21 post-Pennsic meeting – we start a new post-war Boast tradition and tell the barony of something that made Pennsic magical for you.

Our temporary meeting site for the summer (at least) is Ss. Robert and William Catholic Parish, at 367 E. 260th St., Euclid. Go to the school, not the church. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.  A brief business meeting is held at 8 p.m. We need to vacate the site between 9:30 and 10 p.m.

For updates, corrections or additions, contact Lady Katherin verch Rhys at or on Facebook (, Angela Reese).