The Barony of the Cleftlands is the Cuyahoga County (Cleveland), Ohio chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is an international non-profit volunteer educational organization. The SCA is devoted to the research and re-creation of pre-seventeenth century skills, arts, combat, culture, and employing knowledge of history to enrich the lives of participants through events, demonstrations, and other educational presentations and activities. The SCA’s “Known World” consists of 20 kingdoms and over 30,000 members around the globe.
If you or your organization would like to schedule a demonstration, please contact us!
Weekly Meetings
Join us for our weekly Wednesday nights at 7:00 PM for armored combat and rapier fighting, arts and sciences, dance, or just to talk at our meeting site at St John of the Cross (Rising Star Academy) at 140 Richmond Rd, Euclid, OH 44143 (Click here for directions! Or check our Calendar for specifics!)