Mon, 21-Feb, 7 pm: Planting a Pollinator Garden. Tue, 22-Feb, 7:30 pm: Virtual Needleworkers. Wed, 23-Feb, 7:30 pm: In person Scribal Workshop at Baronial meeting Thu, 24-Feb, 8 pm: Virtual Armourers. Sun, 27-Feb, 4 pm: Gardener’s Roundtable.
Category: Arts & Sciences
A&S Activities: Week of 14-Feb
Tue, 15-Feb, 7 pm: Bardic Open Mic. Thu, 17-Feb, 8 pm: Virtual Armourers,
A&S Activities: Week of 7-Feb
Mon, 7-Feb, 7 pm: Virtual Scribes. Tue, 8-Feb, 7:30 pm: Virtual Needleworkers. Thu, 10-Feb, 8 pm: Virtual Armourers. Sat, 12-Feb: 9 am to 8 pm: Virtual Winter RUM Sun, 13-Feb, 4 pm: Gardener’s Roundtable.
Class: Intro to Heraldry
Wed, 2-Feb, 7 pm: Virtual Intro to Heraldry. A free-wheeling exploration of heraldry: choosing a name, designing arms, or participating as a herald. The session will be participant-led, so bring your questions to spark the conversation. (Dmitri Zhirov)
A&S Show’n’Tell
Wed, 19-Jan, 7:30 pm: Virtual A&S Show’n’Tell. Join us to share and discuss your projects, in progress or complete. You can email pictures you’d like to share to before the session to add them to a presentation, or, if you’re on camera, you can share whatever is in your hand at the time. There are …
Class: Reading the Room
Wed, 5-Jan, 7 pm: Virtual: Reading the Room for Bards, Teachers, Presenters. Building rapport quickly with a group is crucial to the effectiveness of your presentation. Knowing how to read the environment, use and interpret body language and manage expectations could spell the difference between communal magic and train wreck. (Juliane Bechaumpe)
A&S Activities in January 2022
A&S Activities: January 2022 Mon, 3-Jan, 7 pm: Virtual Scribe’s Gathering. Wed, 5-Jan, 7 pm: Virtual Reading the Room for Bards, Teachers, Presenters. Building rapport quickly with a group is crucial to the effectiveness of your presentation. Knowing how to read the environment, use and interpret body language and manage expectations could spell the …
Upcoming A&S Activities: 15-Nov
Wed, 17-Nov, 7:00 pm: SCA 101 taught by Jolicia, at Baronial Mtg Thu, 18-Nov, 7 pm: Armourer’s Guild Thu, 25-Nov: Thanksgiving. (A&S Activity for many Cooks!) Wed, 1-Dec, 7;00 pm: Wire-Wrapped Rings, taught by Jolicia, at Baronial Mtg Thu, 2-Dec, 7 pm: Armourer’s Guild Mon, 6-Dec, 7 pm: Virtual Scribe’s Symposium led by Aiden Thu, …
A&S Activities: Week of 25-Oct
Tue, 26-Oct, 7:30 pm Virtual Needleworker’s Guild: Join Zoom Meeting: Wed, 27-Oct, 7 pm: Artisan’s Show-and-Tell: Join Zoom meeting: Thu, 28-Oct, 6 pm: Armourer’s Guild Again: In person at Ealdred and Clariel’s garage. Contact with questions. Further details are available on the Cleftlands calendar on our website, and our group’s FB page.
A&S Activities: Week of 18-Oct
Wed, 20-Oct, 7:30 pm: Bannocks or Bust: In person class at meeting site. Thu, 21-Oct: Last week of No Armourer’s Guild Sat, 23-Oct: Regular Event: Classes, A&S Display Further details are available on the Cleftlands calendar on our website, and our group’s FB page.
A&S Activities: Week of 11-Oct
Tue, 12-Oct, 7:30 pm: Virtual Needleworkers: Join Zoom Meeting: Wed, 13-Oct, 6:30: Three SCA-Guided Tours at CMA (tours start at 6:30, please try to arrive by 6 pm) 11150 East Blvd, Cleveland, OH. Meet in the center of the Atrium. Thu, 14-Oct: No Armorer’s Guild. Sat, 16-Oct: Crown Tourney: evening Bardic activities. Further details are …
A&S Activities: Week of 16-Aug
18-Aug 7:30 pm, in-person: Creating Your Heraldry and Name. Instructor Thory Vedarsdottir. 19-Aug, 7 pm, in-person: Armorer’s Guild. 24-Aug, 7:30 pm, iZoom : Needleworker’s Guild. Changed to Zoom only. See Cleftlands calendar and FB page for link. 26-Aug, 7 pm, in-person: Armorer’s Guild. Please plan for: 29-Sep: Virtual Cleftlands A&S Display. Check Cleftlands calendar and …
Local A&S Activities: Week of 19-July
20-Jul: Anti-Social Club will be meeting at Stephen von Lubeck’s from 7 to 10 pm. Please contact him on FB under the name Stephen Kerg for directions and information on the week’s theme. 21-Jul: Baronial Meeting at St. John of the Cross School, 140 Richmond Rd, Cleveland, OH 44143. There will be various activities including …
A&S Activities: Week of 26-Apr
Tue, 27-Apr, 7:30 pm: Cleftlands Needleworkers: Wed, 28-Apr; 7:30 pm: Cleftlands Gardeners: Thu, 29-Apr, 8 pm: Cleftlands Armorers: For more details about these activities, check the Cleftlands calendar at
A&S Activities: Week of 19-Apr
Thu, 22-Apr, 8 pm: Cleftlands Armorers: For more details about these activities, check the Cleftlands calendar at
A&S Activities: Week of 12-Apr
Mon, 12-Apr, 7:00 pm: Cleftlands Scribes: Tue, 13-Apr, 7:30 pm: Cleftlands Needleworkers: Thu, 15-Apr, 8 pm: Cleftlands Armorers: For more details about these activities, check the Cleftlands calendar at
A&S Activities: Week of 5-Apr with corrections
Schedule Correction!: Mon, 12-Apr, 7:00 pm: Cleftlands Scribes: Thu, 8-Apr, 8 pm: Armourers Guild meeting: For more details about these activities, check the Cleftlands calendar at
A&S Activities: Week of 21-Mar
21-Mar, 7 pm: Renaissance Perfumes – a practical approach. 22-Mar, 7 pm: How to Create a Class from What you Know. 23-Mar, 7 pm: Trans History. 7:30 pm: Needleworkers’ Guild. 24-Mar, 7 pm: Intro to the Midrealm Pages School. 25-Mar, 8 pm: Armourers Guild meeting: For more details about …
A&S Activities: Week of 14-Mar
14-Mar, 7 pm: Cooking with Hadley – Alfred and the Oat Cakes. 15-Mar, 8 pm: Navigating the e-SCA: 16-Mar, 7 pm: What to Consider When Choosing Your Name and Heraldry. 17-Mar, 7:30 pm: Start a Newsletter and Keep it Going. 18-Mar, 8 pm: Armourers Guild meeting: For more details about …