7-Mar, 1-7pm: Medieval Carriage Symposium. https://zoom.us/j/91650335234?pwd=elRVekRmTDZWYWMxRWszdDA5ek8ydz09 8-Mar, 7 pm: The English Reformation. https://zoom.us/j/97140547298?pwd=VDViZGlLd3FIRlZ3U3RjQko0Z1RTUT09 9-Mar, 7:30 pm: Needleworker’s Guild: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88261643621?pwd=UGx1TTdPcVdNNWtHZFhDZkxYR0d5Zz09 10-Mar: 7 pm: My Ukulele is a Guitar: https://zoom.us/j/96954243713?pwd=MzVTanRwZ2hhcGU0cDNCSDZiMi8vZz09 11-Mar, 8 pm: Armourers Guild meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84704344487?pwd=UGJrZUxqNW5JQ05jeHBtYWdLQUl4QT09 For more details about these classes and activities, check the Cleftlands calendar at http://www.cleftlands.org/calendar/
Category: Arts & Sciences
A&S Challenge: Lencten
March Challenge: Lencten In Old English, the name for the season during which days lengthened was “Lencten” from the same proto-germanic root. The early English clearly saw the lengthening days as a time of preparation for the busy summer and harvest seasons to come. This year, more than most, our Lencten is a time of …
A&S Activities: Week of 28-Feb
eRUM term break. 4-Mar, 8 pm: Armourers Guild meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84704344487?pwd=UGJrZUxqNW5JQ05jeHBtYWdLQUl4QT09 For more details about these classes and activities, check the Cleftlands calendar at http://www.cleftlands.org/calendar/
A&S Activities: Week of 21-Feb
21-Feb, 7 pm: 14th-15th Century Arming Garments for Authenticity: https://zoom.us/j/91358250367?pwd=M3FxL2ZOUTE2K1lUcjA4ZHdhdGNqdz09 22-Feb, 8 pm: Train Like You Mean It – Part 1: https://zoom.us/j/91626911471?pwd=SGkvYnk1T3RmWHZJS1BTL2Uwb0hodz09 23-Feb: 7:30 pm: Cleftlands Needleworkers: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88261643621?pwd=UGx1TTdPcVdNNWtHZFhDZkxYR0d5Zz09 8 pm: Train Like You Mean It – Part 2: https://zoom.us/j/92507360454?pwd=UDFnQVpFMWZXN2RpWDlwWWM2NlB5dz09 24-Feb, 7 pm: Principles & Techniques of the Drop Step: https://zoom.us/j/95752744369?pwd=NE9GUEVxOGg5UVhTTC9QY2FGN3BKdz09 25-Feb, 8 pm: Cleftlands Armourer’s …
A&S Activities: Week of 14-Feb
14-Feb: eRUM Movie Night with Duke EikBrandr and Sir William Rayne Video by Duke EikBrandr (link to come) Movement 101 with Sir William Rayne: https://www.youtube.com/watch?fbclid=IwAR06yF5qCndtvq8jwnLvWVH–WL6rN3OvQpANx8wCpqRzgfQIp72VNfwKK4&v=yUhea_0fEu8&feature=youtu.be 15-Feb, 7 pm: Aggression for the Compassionate: https://zoom.us/j/99403148408?pwd=K241Y3l3Y01aUUVuT3VFem1VRGVvZz09 16-Feb, 7 pm: How to Stay Sharp While Staying at Home: https://zoom.us/j/91643900960?pwd=NXZMNGFKckhJZU0yV1NwWDVEZWgyUT09 17-Feb, 7 pm: Using a Back-up Weapon with a Spear: …
A&S Activities: Week of 7-Feb
7-Feb, 7 pm: Equestrian Games in the SCA: https://zoom.us/j/97229795075?pwd=d2xvRVR6OHJ1amw1S0UvaUgyY2VUdz09 8-Feb, 8 pm: Fighting in the French Style: https://zoom.us/j/96757877759?pwd=S0tjQjVKb1JDY01wcC9PL2hreC8xUT09 9-Feb, 7:30 pm: Cleftlands Needleworkers: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88261643621?pwd=UGx1TTdPcVdNNWtHZFhDZkxYR0d5Zz09 8 pm: Drinks for Fighters: https://zoom.us/j/94313627579?pwd=bnFjNDNBYTJ4WFFiRzNraVpwa2dGUT09 10-Feb: Ustad Week Redux! Sword Edge Shaping: https://www.facebook.com/ortega.hobson/videos/10221417259131346 6ft Period Spears: https://www.facebook.com/ortega.hobson/videos/10221741963328748 and https://www.facebook.com/ortega.hobson/videos/10221742224495277 Inexpensive Lightweight Wooden Shields: Part 1: https://www.facebook.com/ortega.hobson/videos/10221488592154627; Part 2 : https://www.facebook.com/ortega.hobson/videos/10223204848419961 …
A&S Activities: Week of 24-Jan
Sun, 24-Jan, 7 pm eastern: Four Stitch Techniques https://zoom.us/j/92645572112?pwd=a3had2RVU21jcGVVb2pzcmRhZnRBZz09 Mon, 25-Jan, 7 pm eastern: Medieval & Renaissance Textiles: Pattern and Color https://zoom.us/j/97616385372?pwd=cWUwb0ZhQmhaajROMG9JRnJwMzN1dz09 Tue, 26-Jan: 7:30 pm eastern: Cleftlands Needleworkers Gathering https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88261643621?pwd=UGx1TTdPcVdNNWtHZFhDZkxYR0d5Zz09 8 pm eastern: A Shot at Division V – Brewing in A&S https://zoom.us/j/93554458109?pwd=akxITDE4R2pqa2VOSFgrdURxNjZ1UT09 Wed, 27-Jan, 7 pm eastern: Cree Language https://zoom.us/j/95794078747?pwd=UFNQWDFuT2hMWHVSQWxoQ1RRZ3g2dz09 Thu, 28-Jan, 8 …
A&S Activities: Week of 17-Jan
Sun, 17-Jan, 3 pm eastern: Trans History https://zoom.us/j/92445941989?pwd=OUpoTkNkYUM1a3VmUTg1elZWOStoQT09 Mon, 18-Jan, 8 pm eastern: Legs and Head of a Good Brew https://zoom.us/j/93002917418?pwd=akdMcnplNGZJUTgwWkNkR2twNU5uUT09 Tue, 19-Jan, 7 pm eastern: The Hebrew Calendar https://zoom.us/j/92073337159?pwd=bDhYZGhzYkxxN29DR25jdmxYVUxudz09 Wed, 20-Jan, 7 pm eastern: Henna Ancient Beauty https://zoom.us/j/95033074830?pwd=VEM2TW5HNWRrdEF4dmNibHQrT1J2UT09 Thu, 21-Jan, 8 pm eastern: Cleftlands Armor Gathering https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84704344487?pwd=UGJrZUxqNW5JQ05jeHBtYWdLQUl4QT09
A&S Activities: Week of 10-Jan
Sun, 10-Jan, 7 pm eastern: Intro to Hebrew Language https://zoom.us/j/93208363457?pwd=a0ZRdkc0KzlhYTFIT2wzZlN1Z2Y4Zz09 Mon, 11-Jan, 8 pm eastern: SCA and Your Resume https://zoom.us/j/98713415167?pwd=eGJMbjgrZWZVNDc4NjJmSVJZWVJCQT09 Tue, 12-Jan, 7 pm eastern: Charlemagne Part 2 and the 12 Peers of France https://zoom.us/j/98108102909?pwd=djlCTWE3ZTdabnZsYVpXTFQ4Uk9tQT09 Wed, 13-Jan: 7 pm eastern: Dolls in SCA Period https://zoom.us/j/94635202137?pwd=S1BxSUpZWHdJdG5iQlNFWFZFS0gzZz09 7:30 pm eastern: Cleftlands Needleworkers Gathering https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88261643621?pwd=UGx1TTdPcVdNNWtHZFhDZkxYR0d5Zz09 Thu, 14-Jan, 8 …
A&S Activities: Week of 3-Jan
Sun, 3-Jan, 7 pm eastern: The Roman Soldier’s Diet https://zoom.us/j/91047121310?pwd=LzkzeFhXdW1INlVXUWVvUU5UY05Idz09 Mon, 4-Jan, 7 pm eastern: Researching the Rare, Unusual, or Taboo https://zoom.us/j/91475283331?pwd=V1NhaGFhZGtZQjZlTVFSLzJSc0NsUT09 Tue, 5-Jan, 8 pm eastern: Intro to Drinking https://zoom.us/j/94590433869?pwd=M0xtaEJnRXpta0d4TFFxOHUvWkpkdz09 Wed, 6-Jan: 7 pm eastern: Reniassance Perfumes – a practical approach https://zoom.us/j/96696519082?pwd=bGVRbGowbUdScE1yWk1QZHV6Wi9odz09 Thu, 7-Jan, 8 pm eastern: Cleftlands Armor Gathering https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84704344487?pwd=UGJrZUxqNW5JQ05jeHBtYWdLQUl4QT09
A&S Activities: Week of 20-Dec
Sun 20, 5 pm: eRUM—Illumination Shading: https://zoom.us/j/92859235243?pwd=M3R4bHRVeXdJQTdLM1JmMTd3L2hhZz09 Mon 21, 7 pm: eRUM—Unmaking a Boar: https://www.facebook.com/events/3692783804115257/ Tue 22, 8 pm: eRUM—German Pronunciation: https://zoom.us/j/98742089208?pwd=Um1JM1A1QVFZdlZqcXhmUnZWRHcxUT09 Wed 23, 7 pm: eRUM—Chess of Medieval Japan: https://zoom.us/j/96875124504?pwd=WkdubldEaE1aL0JlelZWMDk3UDhRUT09
A&S Activities: Week of 13-Dec
Sun 13, 5 pm: eRUM—Painting on Fabric https://zoom.us/j/92943532932?pwd=eHpIRGlTdElpMGlUcGtSRHVpVjlUdz09 Mon 14, 7 pm: eRUM—Barrels and Barrel Aging https://zoom.us/j/97389227160?pwd=MTBvSEhCc3lHRktPZ2hvbGUzbUd6Zz09 Tue 15, 7 pm: eRUM—Charlemagne and France https://zoom.us/j/95543977999?pwd=d3ZlY2JicHVUeWJTWDROTHFHa0F4UT09 Thu 17, 8 pm: Cleftlands Armourer’s https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84704344487?pwd=UGJrZUxqNW5JQ05jeHBtYWdLQUl4QT09
A&S Activities: Week of 6-Dec
Sun 6, 8 pm: eRUM—To be Determined by Emer von Atzinger https://zoom.us/j/92947048681?pwd=bzdFZEhUSkR5emJ2MDNFZ2dwWWdEZz09 Mon 7, 7 pm: eRUM—Winter Drinks https://zoom.us/j/93249730909?pwd=OU5tOTFuTko4S0ZScFY3N3Z5OUVVZz09 Tue 8, 7:30 pm: Cleftlands Needleworkers: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88261643621?pwd=UGx1TTdPcVdNNWtHZFhDZkxYR0d5Zz09 7 pm: eRUM—Child’s Play: Easy Children’s toys to make or buy: https://zoom.us/j/96630162192?pwd=YXA3Z3BDZ3MvK0taNVhaZHNjN3cxdz09 Wed 9, 7 pm: eRUM—Zsof’s Rules on Becoming a Peer: https://zoom.us/j/93457798689?pwd=STVhK1ZiaXNNT21RZmlzM3RJZzVFUT09 Thu 10, 8 pm: Cleftlands Armourer’s …
A&S Activities: Week of 29-Nov
No eRUM classes this week, as it’s between terms. Thu 29, 8 pm: Armourer’s Guild meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84704344487?pwd=UGJrZUxqNW5JQ05jeHBtYWdLQUl4QT09
A&S Activities: Week of 22-Nov
No eRUM classes during the week, or Armourer’s on Thursday, due to the holiday. Sun 22, 7 pm: Sor Ustad Q &A https://zoom.us/j/99182195136?pwd=alp4MXV0dnZTZUR3VkNlR2J6dlZGQT09 Thu 26, all day: Thanksgiving Holiday: Enjoy. Fri 27, all day: Black Friday: Go shopping at SCA Merchant Relief: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2629774650640671/ while hiding inside with hot chocolate and leftover pie.
A&S Activities: Week of 15-Nov
Sun 15, any time: Ustad Week 1: Sword Edge Shaping https://www.facebook.com/ortega.hobson/videos/10221417259131346 Mon 16, anytime: Ustad Week 2: 6 ft Period Spears 1 & 2 https://www.facebook.com/ortega.hobson/videos/10221741963328748 and https://www.facebook.com/ortega.hobson/videos/10221742224495277 Tue 17, anytime: Ustad Week 3: Inexpensive lightweight wooden shields 1 & 2 https://www.facebook.com/ortega.hobson/videos/10221488592154627 Wed 18, anytime: Ustad Week 4: Leather wrapped handle techniques …
A&S Activities: Week of 8-Nov
Sun 8, 7 pm: Roman Soldier’s Diet https://zoom.us/j/92431507943?pwd=NzJwcWZ2SWhLWEYzZ2xmUTJwOThQUT09 Mon 9, 7 pm: Poppin’ Tags: Finding SCA jewelry at thrift shops and yard sales https://zoom.us/j/98177431741?pwd=NE1PbStTUnBNNzZwTUcrUjRFTVU2dz09 Tue 10, 7 pm: Bodhran Rhythms Workshop 4: Left Hand techniques https://zoom.us/j/94156509930?pwd=OVo0eTJON2lNWnhCT0gzRWdtV21LQT09 7:30: Needleworkers Guild meeting led by Miriana https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88261643621?pwd=UGx1TTdPcVdNNWtHZFhDZkxYR0d5Zz09 Wed 11, 7 pm: Introduction to the …
A&S Activities: Week of 1-Nov
Sun 1, 7 pm: Dukes & Duchesses, Knights & Barons, and What on Earth is a Marquess?! https://zoom.us/j/91914841326?pwd=ckRqSkY5UnkxNDNzcVNJR0Z4aUVQdz09 Mon 2, 7 pm: Making Magic in Multiple Medievalisms: Crossing the Bridge from Rennie to Scadian https://zoom.us/j/95600201722?pwd=QWREeTVaKzFuN2lucmZaUDBubW9VQT09 Mon 2, 7 pm: Scribe’s Guild meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82988129302?pwd=OWNleWFQYVFGMGFsYUpHMmlRNmFQQT09 Tue 3, 7 pm: Bodhran Rhythms Workshop 3: Jig, Slipjig …
A&S Activities: Week of 25-Oct
No eRUM classes this week, as it’s between terms. Sun 25, 2 pm: Cleftlands Dance: Class (and videoing?), Acacia Reservation at Cedar Rd and George Zeigler Dr. in Lyndhurst, Look for the banner Tue 27, 7:30 pm: Needleworkers Guild meeting Led by Miriana https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88261643621?pwd=UGx1TTdPcVdNNWtHZFhDZkxYR0d5Zz09 Wed 28, 6 pm: Cleftlands Dance: Class and Taping: …
A&S: Dance Class and Video
Looking for dancers to collect on Wed 21, or Wed 28 around 7 pm, at Acacia Reservation to learn/practice Joiussance vous Donneray (a basse dance) and galliards: then video your dancing of them. Garb strongly preferred. The final video of the Cleftlands Dancers will be shared online for the interested. Music is kindly provided by …