Youth Rapier Tournament: (1:00 PM) A single elimination youth rapier tournament. We will be competing with Division II rules (plastic foils) unless we have 4 or move Division III entrants. Youth fencers may authorize on the day of the event. Prize: Handcrafted messenger bag donated by Lady Jacqueline.

Children’s Mouse Hunt!

Wanted: Mouse Seekers! Ten (10) mice have been spotted at the event and need to be found! They hold the secret name of the Mouse King who is hiding and will not answer unless you know his name. Each mouse has a number and a name. Please find a mouse, record its’ name with the number on the sheets which are available at Youth Point. Solve the puzzle of the Mouse King’s Name and return sheet to Youth Point. PLEASE LEAVE THE MICE WHERE THEY ARE SO OTHERS MAY PLAY. Have fun!