11-Oct (Sun) 6 pm: Taking the Teeth out of Stage Fright by Sophia the Orange and Lucia Braganza a Firenze. https://zoom.us/j/99177215251?pwd=NjhrMjVDbHdoR1pPSzlrZW9PY3ltQT09
12-Oct (Mon) 7 pm: Intro to the Anglo-Saxon/Germanic Lyre by Sivrid Brumbach. https://zoom.us/j/94835573612?pwd=ZFVTeUNQeUQxQXNBVGFKaFJjbXM2dz09
13-Oct (Tue) 8 pm: Body Movement for Commedia dell ‘Arte-Advanced by Sophia the Orange. https://zoom.us/j/92422528993?pwd=VDJ6ZjNIck5uZ1ord1Z1OWhLMHZtdz09
13-Oct (Tue) 7:30 pm: Cleftlands Needleworkers, Led by Miriana: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88261643621?pwd=UGx1TTdPcVdNNWtHZFhDZkxYR0d5Zz09
14-Oct (Wed) 7 pm: Bodhran Rhythms Workshop 1 of 4 – Choosing a Bodhran by Liadan Liathan: https://zoom.us/j/99774545998?pwd=QzdzN3dRK1NGSjNmZk9Va3VBYXdUdz09
15-Oct (Thu) 8 pm: Cleftlands Armourers (and Schmoozers) Led by Calum MacDhaibhidh: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84704344487?pwd=UGJrZUxqNW5JQ05jeHBtYWdLQUl4QT09