A&S Activities: Week of 14-Mar

14-Mar, 7 pm: Cooking with Hadley – Alfred and the Oat Cakes. https://zoom.us/j/95768356526?pwd=cXh5bllBSjc5S3NDZHhReXUrL3ZYQT09
15-Mar, 8 pm: Navigating the e-SCA: https://zoom.us/j/93022557543?pwd=TFJnZDZIVFZ1U1pOanJTZlBHNnByQT09
16-Mar, 7 pm: What to Consider When Choosing Your Name and Heraldry. https://zoom.us/j/98683924776?pwd=SU5EbHQ0WFV1amI3bGZWZWdpWGlLdz09
17-Mar, 7:30 pm: Start a Newsletter and Keep it Going. https://zoom.us/j/95184648539?pwd=UkMvSlJWQkZxVXdLVXdnd1d1ZjErUT09
18-Mar, 8 pm: Armourers Guild meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84704344487?pwd=UGJrZUxqNW5JQ05jeHBtYWdLQUl4QT09

For more details about these classes and activities, check the Cleftlands calendar at http://www.cleftlands.org/calendar/

A&S Activities: Week of 7-Mar

7-Mar, 1-7pm: Medieval Carriage Symposium. https://zoom.us/j/91650335234?pwd=elRVekRmTDZWYWMxRWszdDA5ek8ydz09
8-Mar, 7 pm: The English Reformation. https://zoom.us/j/97140547298?pwd=VDViZGlLd3FIRlZ3U3RjQko0Z1RTUT09
9-Mar, 7:30 pm: Needleworker’s Guild: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88261643621?pwd=UGx1TTdPcVdNNWtHZFhDZkxYR0d5Zz09
10-Mar: 7 pm: My Ukulele is a Guitar: https://zoom.us/j/96954243713?pwd=MzVTanRwZ2hhcGU0cDNCSDZiMi8vZz09
11-Mar, 8 pm: Armourers Guild meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84704344487?pwd=UGJrZUxqNW5JQ05jeHBtYWdLQUl4QT09

For more details about these classes and activities, check the Cleftlands calendar at http://www.cleftlands.org/calendar/

A&S Challenge: Lencten

March Challenge: Lencten
In Old English, the name for the season during which days lengthened was “Lencten” from the same proto-germanic root. The early English clearly saw the lengthening days as a time of preparation for the busy summer and harvest seasons to come. This year, more than most, our Lencten is a time of preparation.

For the March A&S challenge, please share what you are doing to prepare. Are you starting seeds indoors? Are you making plans to build a wood-fired oven? Are you fixing or preparing armor, augmenting your wardrobe, building back your fitness for combat? Are you making arrows, or taking classes, or making baskets? Let us know how you are using the light of these lengthening days.

Post your plans and work: whether in progress or finished, to the Cleftlands FB page or to me at moas@cleftlands.org.

Preparing to illuminate.



A&S Activities: Week of 28-Feb

eRUM term break.
4-Mar, 8 pm: Armourers Guild meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84704344487?pwd=UGJrZUxqNW5JQ05jeHBtYWdLQUl4QT09

For more details about these classes and activities, check the Cleftlands calendar at http://www.cleftlands.org/calendar/

A&S Activities: Week of 21-Feb

21-Feb, 7 pm: 14th-15th Century Arming Garments for Authenticity: https://zoom.us/j/91358250367?pwd=M3FxL2ZOUTE2K1lUcjA4ZHdhdGNqdz09

22-Feb, 8 pm: Train Like You Mean It – Part 1: https://zoom.us/j/91626911471?pwd=SGkvYnk1T3RmWHZJS1BTL2Uwb0hodz09

7:30 pm: Cleftlands Needleworkers: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88261643621?pwd=UGx1TTdPcVdNNWtHZFhDZkxYR0d5Zz09
8 pm: Train Like You Mean It – Part 2: https://zoom.us/j/92507360454?pwd=UDFnQVpFMWZXN2RpWDlwWWM2NlB5dz09

24-Feb, 7 pm: Principles & Techniques of the Drop Step: https://zoom.us/j/95752744369?pwd=NE9GUEVxOGg5UVhTTC9QY2FGN3BKdz09

25-Feb, 8 pm: Cleftlands Armourer’s Guild: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84704344487?pwd=UGJrZUxqNW5JQ05jeHBtYWdLQUl4QT09

A&S Activities: Week of 14-Feb

14-Feb: eRUM Movie Night with Duke EikBrandr and Sir William Rayne
Video by Duke EikBrandr (link to come)
Movement 101 with Sir William Rayne: https://www.youtube.com/watch?fbclid=IwAR06yF5qCndtvq8jwnLvWVH–WL6rN3OvQpANx8wCpqRzgfQIp72VNfwKK4&v=yUhea_0fEu8&feature=youtu.be

15-Feb, 7 pm: Aggression for the Compassionate: https://zoom.us/j/99403148408?pwd=K241Y3l3Y01aUUVuT3VFem1VRGVvZz09

16-Feb, 7 pm: How to Stay Sharp While Staying at Home: https://zoom.us/j/91643900960?pwd=NXZMNGFKckhJZU0yV1NwWDVEZWgyUT09

17-Feb, 7 pm: Using a Back-up Weapon with a Spear: https://zoom.us/j/91084117840?pwd=MysvcU1EQ0hZRnBMbmZkN3VBejcxdz09

18-Feb, 8 pm: Cleftlands Armourer’s Guild: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84704344487?pwd=UGJrZUxqNW5JQ05jeHBtYWdLQUl4QT09

A&S Activities: Week of 7-Feb

7-Feb, 7 pm: Equestrian Games in the SCA: https://zoom.us/j/97229795075?pwd=d2xvRVR6OHJ1amw1S0UvaUgyY2VUdz09
8-Feb, 8 pm: Fighting in the French Style: https://zoom.us/j/96757877759?pwd=S0tjQjVKb1JDY01wcC9PL2hreC8xUT09
9-Feb, 7:30 pm: Cleftlands Needleworkers: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88261643621?pwd=UGx1TTdPcVdNNWtHZFhDZkxYR0d5Zz09
8 pm: Drinks for Fighters: https://zoom.us/j/94313627579?pwd=bnFjNDNBYTJ4WFFiRzNraVpwa2dGUT09
10-Feb: Ustad Week Redux!
Sword Edge Shaping: https://www.facebook.com/ortega.hobson/videos/10221417259131346
6ft Period Spears: https://www.facebook.com/ortega.hobson/videos/10221741963328748 and https://www.facebook.com/ortega.hobson/videos/10221742224495277
Inexpensive Lightweight Wooden Shields:
Part 1: https://www.facebook.com/ortega.hobson/videos/10221488592154627;
Part 2 : https://www.facebook.com/ortega.hobson/videos/10223204848419961
Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17XEu8XgY3s&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR2Iwt6Xn4sh3X4E_cjN51CBQD4Q5mVAyNxKRlNqh8bKgFCqkywVlUJd0DA
Leather Wrapped Handle Techniques: https://www.facebook.com/ortega.hobson/videos/10221733247430856
11-Feb, 8 pm: Cleftlands Armourer’s Guild: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84704344487?pwd=UGJrZUxqNW5JQ05jeHBtYWdLQUl4QT09

A&S Activities: Week of 24-Jan

Sun, 24-Jan, 7 pm eastern: Four Stitch Techniques

Mon, 25-Jan, 7 pm eastern: Medieval & Renaissance Textiles: Pattern and Color

Tue, 26-Jan:
7:30 pm eastern: Cleftlands Needleworkers Gathering

8 pm eastern: A Shot at Division V – Brewing in A&S

Wed, 27-Jan, 7 pm eastern: Cree Language

Thu, 28-Jan, 8 pm eastern: Cleftlands Armor Gathering

A&S Activities: Week of 17-Jan

Sun, 17-Jan, 3 pm eastern: Trans History

Mon, 18-Jan, 8 pm eastern: Legs and Head of a Good Brew

Tue, 19-Jan, 7 pm eastern: The Hebrew Calendar

Wed, 20-Jan, 7 pm eastern: Henna Ancient Beauty

Thu, 21-Jan, 8 pm eastern: Cleftlands Armor Gathering

A&S Activities: Week of 10-Jan

Sun, 10-Jan, 7 pm eastern: Intro to Hebrew Language

Mon, 11-Jan, 8 pm eastern: SCA and Your Resume

Tue, 12-Jan, 7 pm eastern: Charlemagne Part 2 and the 12 Peers of France

Wed, 13-Jan:
7 pm eastern: Dolls in SCA Period
7:30 pm eastern: Cleftlands Needleworkers Gathering

Thu, 14-Jan, 8 pm eastern: Cleftlands Armor Gathering

A&S Activities: Week of 3-Jan

Sun, 3-Jan, 7 pm eastern: The Roman Soldier’s Diet

Mon, 4-Jan, 7 pm eastern: Researching the Rare, Unusual, or Taboo

Tue, 5-Jan, 8 pm eastern: Intro to Drinking

Wed, 6-Jan: 7 pm eastern: Reniassance Perfumes – a practical approach

Thu, 7-Jan, 8 pm eastern: Cleftlands Armor Gathering

A&S Activities: Week of 20-Dec

Sun 20, 5 pm: eRUM—Illumination Shading:

Mon 21, 7 pm: eRUM—Unmaking a Boar:

Tue 22, 8 pm: eRUM—German Pronunciation:

Wed 23, 7 pm: eRUM—Chess of Medieval Japan:

A&S Activities: Week of 13-Dec

Sun 13, 5 pm: eRUM—Painting on Fabric

Mon 14, 7 pm: eRUM—Barrels and Barrel Aging

Tue 15, 7 pm: eRUM—Charlemagne and France

Thu 17, 8 pm: Cleftlands Armourer’s

Society Gathering Suspension (May 2021)

Greetings unto the populace (and friends) of the Cleftlands. It is with a heavy heart, we bring you words from the Society regarding an extension to the suspensions of in-person activities covering until May 31, 2021 for North American kingdoms.

At the end of July, the Board of Directors issued a proclamation suspending most in-person SCA activities in North America until January 31, 2021, due to the COVID-19 global pandemic. In November, we asked the Kingdom Seneschals and Crowns of the known world to give us their counsel on how to proceed in the first part of 2021. We received very thoughtful responses from nearly all Crowns and Kingdom Seneschals as well as many other concerned people. We wish to thank everyone who responded for taking the time to do so, and for putting such effort into your responses.

After reading and discussing the feedback received, the Board decided at their conference call meeting on 12/01/2020 to continue the suspension of in-person activities in North America through May 31, 2021. That action reads as follows:

Motion by Ross Roegner to extend the Resolution to Suspend In-Person SCA Activity until January 31, 2021, originally issued by the Board of Directors on July 28, 2020, for a period of four (4) months, until May 31, 2021. Second by Gigi Coulson. Opposed: none. Absent: Jennifer Krochmal. Motion carried.

The original document can be found here.

While there is good news on the horizon regarding effective vaccines and other ways to treat and manage COVID, implementation of those treatments is still in the future. The current situation shows that infection rates are continuing to increase in many places throughout North America. The most important concern at this time must be the safety of all participants.

Please remember that federal, state, provincial, and local health directives and guidelines must continue to be followed whenever Kingdoms decide to authorize smaller local in-person meetings and local fighter practices. These local activities remain under the discretion of the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal. Kingdom Earl Marshals are welcome to give advice to the Crowns and Kingdom Seneschals when approving local practices.

Virtual events, as have been happening in many kingdoms, are of course allowed and encouraged to continue. If a Kingdom believes that the circumstances in their area allow for an in-person event, beyond approved local practices and meetings, to be held safely before May 31, 2021, the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal are welcome to discuss a variance with the Society Seneschal.

Such variances for events beyond local practices and meetings will be considered, but please keep in mind that limits on participants, mask requirements, local government approval, insurance questions, vaccine availability, and actual conditions regarding the epidemic in the Kingdom requesting the variance are all important issues that will be considered and discussed for any requested variances prior to the May 31, 2021 date.

Further, as stated in the original Resolution, if a Crown or Coronet feels the need to step down without heirs, a regent may be installed according to the laws of the kingdom or principality. If those laws are not adequate for the situation, the kingdom is invited to work with the Society Seneschal to create a solution that will be in the best interests of the kingdom or principality.

Live events and personal interactions are a large part of the way the Society has continued over the last fifty-plus years. These restrictions on live events in the SCA are painful, but the state of the world, and the well-being of everyone involved, currently require we be as careful as possible.
It does look like there will be vaccines available soon and once the epidemic is under some semblance of control, we can have live events again and celebrate all our interests and community safely.

If there are any questions, or further concerns or comments, please send them to us.

Lis Schraer (Society Seneschal) seneschal@sca.org
John Fulton (Society President) president@sca.org

If you would prefer to send something directly to the Board as a whole that can be done using sca-comments@lists.sca.org.

You may also contact your Kingdom’s Board Ombudsman. The list of the Board members and the Kingdoms each represents can be found here.

As it has been announced, all Society for Creative Anachronism in-person events have been suspended in North America until May 31, 2021. In-person gatherings are still being managed by Kingdom-level mandates. Until then, we look forward to seeing your accomplishments, activity, and faces online.

Draco Invictus!

Crispin and Gianna
Baron and Baroness of Cleftlands

A&S Activities: Week of 6-Dec

Sun 6, 8 pm: eRUM—To be Determined by Emer von Atzinger

Mon 7, 7 pm: eRUM—Winter Drinks

Tue 8,
7:30 pm: Cleftlands Needleworkers:
7 pm: eRUM—Child’s Play: Easy Children’s toys to make or buy:

Wed 9, 7 pm: eRUM—Zsof’s Rules on Becoming a Peer:

Thu 10, 8 pm: Cleftlands Armourer’s

A&S Activities: Week of 29-Nov

No eRUM classes this week, as it’s between terms.

Thu 29, 8 pm:      Armourer’s Guild meeting

A&S Activities: Week of 22-Nov

No eRUM classes during the week, or Armourer’s on Thursday, due to the holiday.

Sun 22, 7 pm:       Sor Ustad Q &A

Thu 26, all day:    Thanksgiving Holiday: Enjoy.

Fri 27, all day:     Black Friday: Go shopping at SCA Merchant Relief:
while hiding inside with hot chocolate and leftover pie.

A&S Activities: Week of 15-Nov

Sun 15, any time: Ustad Week 1: Sword Edge Shaping

Mon 16, anytime: Ustad Week 2: 6 ft Period Spears 1 & 2
and https://www.facebook.com/ortega.hobson/videos/10221742224495277

Tue 17, anytime:  Ustad Week 3: Inexpensive lightweight wooden shields 1 & 2

Wed 18, anytime: Ustad Week 4: Leather wrapped handle techniques

Thu 29, 8 pm:      Armourer’s Guild meeting, led by Calum

A&S Activities: Week of 8-Nov

Sun 8, 7 pm:        Roman Soldier’s Diet

Mon 9, 7 pm:       Poppin’ Tags: Finding SCA jewelry at thrift shops and yard sales

Tue 10, 7 pm:       Bodhran Rhythms Workshop 4:  Left Hand techniques

7:30:        Needleworkers Guild meeting led by Miriana

Wed 11, 7 pm:     Introduction to the New MoAS reporting System

Thu 29, 8 pm:      Armourer’s Guild meeting Led by Calum

A&S Activities: Week of 1-Nov

Sun 1, 7 pm:        Dukes & Duchesses, Knights & Barons, and What on Earth is a Marquess?!

Mon 2, 7 pm:       Making Magic in Multiple Medievalisms: Crossing the Bridge from Rennie to Scadian

Mon 2, 7 pm:       Scribe’s Guild meeting

Tue 3, 7 pm:        Bodhran Rhythms Workshop 3: Jig, Slipjig and Mazurka Rhythms

Wed 4. 7 pm:       How to Create a Class From What You Know

Thu 5, 8 pm:        Armourer’s Guild meeting