The Cleftlands would like to welcome Lady Eve of Cleftlands as Demonstration Coordinator! A special thanks to the outgoing Demo Coordinator Syr Artair Mac Neacail for his hard work and service over the years and for spearheading the regional demonstration held annually at Mapleside Farms.
Category: Announcements
Cleftlands Open House
The Barony of the Cleftlands, the Cuyahoga County (Cleveland), Ohio chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. will be hosting an open house on Wednesday September 27th from 7:00 to 10:00 PM in Euclid, OH. The SCA is an international organization dedicated to researching and re-creating the arts and skills of pre-17th-century Europe. Our …
Baronial Trim Survey
As discussed on Wednesday evening, a request for funding was submitted to the baronial officers outlining a purchase of baronial nebuly-themed trim arranged through Calontir Trim. The minimum custom order is 500 meters for a rough total cost of $900. It is our intent to offer the trim locally to barony members for $2.00 per …
Officer Opening – Minister of Arts & Sciences
The Barony of the Cleftlands is accepting applications for Minister of Arts & Sciences. This position requires current SCA membership. If you would like to be considered for this position, please fill out the application online. The submission will be received by the Baron, Baroness, and Seneschal for review prior to being presented at an …
Officer Opening – Demo Coordinator
The Barony of the Cleftlands is accepting applications for Demonstration Coordinator. This position requires current SCA membership. If you would like to be considered for this position, please fill out the application online. The submission will be received by the Baron, Baroness, and Seneschal for review prior to being presented at an Officers meeting for …
Pennsic War Muster Schedule
Their Excellencies Crispin and Gianna cordially invite combatants as well as the populace to the following Pennsic musters, championships, battlefield pavilion setup and tear down, and the Cleftlands Unit picture(s): Tue, 1-Aug at 10 AM: Battlefield Tent Setup @ Battlefield Sun, 6-Aug at 10 AM: Archery Muster @ Three Bears Sun, 6-Aug at 12 PM: …
Pennsic War Meeting Schedule
As the horns of war sound to to the east of our verdant lands, the Cleftlands shall answer in force! While we gird ourselves and prepare for the Pennsic War, the following summer meeting schedule will be observed: July 19 – Meeting July 26 – NO MEETING August 2 – NO MEETING August 9 – …
Congratulations Baron Crispin and Baroness Gianna!
The Cleftlands would like to welcome Baron Crispin al-Rumi and Baroness Gianna Vettori as the fifth Baron and Baroness of the Cleftlands! Special thanks to the fourth leadership team of the Cleftlands, their excellencies Sir Calum MacDhaibhidh and Mistress Constanza de Mendoza for their dedication and exemplary service over the past five years and wish …
Cleftlands Armored Tournament
Their Excellencies Calum and Constanza, fourth Baron and Baroness of the Cleftlands, cordially invite you to their final armored tournament held Wednesday, April 26th in Euclid, OH. All authorized armored combatants are welcome to participate. The tournament will commence around 7:45 PM. If competing, please arrive early enough to make known your intentions to the …
Officer Opening – Signet
The Barony of the Cleftlands is accepting applications for Signet. If you would like to be considered for a position, please fill out the application online by March 22, 2017. The submission will be received by the Baron, Baroness, Signet and Seneschal for review prior to selection.. Thank you for your interest! Job Description The …
Officer Opening – Chatelaine
The Barony of the Cleftlands is accepting applications for Chatelaine. If you would like to be considered for a position, please fill out the application online by March 8, 2017. The submission will be received by the Baron, Baroness, Chatelaine, and Seneschal for review prior to being presented at an Officers meeting for final vote. …
Officer Opening – Seneschal
The Barony of the Cleftlands is accepting applications for Seneschal. If you would like to be considered for a position, please fill out the application online. The submission will be received by the Baron, Baroness, and Seneschal for review prior to being presented at an Officers meeting for final vote. The deadline for applications is …
A Regular Event in the Cleftlands
Join the Barony of the Cleftlands on Saturday January 28th for a Regular Event in the Cleftlands. Imagine Paris in the mid 1300’s, a city full of love and life, yet on the brink of catastrophe and death. In the eternal battle only you can decide who wins! St. Johns Byzantine Cathedral 1900 Carlton Road, …
Baronial Polling Information
The Baronial polling document for non-members and those living outside of Cuyahoga County is now available online: Cleftlands Non-Member Poll Paid SCA members living within Cuyahoga County will be receiving their Baronial polls via USPS postal mail. Please take a moment to fill out the form with your commentary on the candidates – this input …
Baronial Candidate Q & A
Greetings to all members of the Cleftlands populace! The polls for the Cleftlands Baronial Transition have been sent to all active members living within Cuyahoga County; expect to receive them in the next few days. For those non-members and individuals residing outside Cuyahoga County, the non-member poll will be available on the Middle Kingdom website …
Officer Opening – Minister of Arts & Sciences
The Barony of the Cleftlands is accepting applications for Minister of Arts & Sciences. If you would like to be considered for a position, please fill out the application online. The submission will be received by the Baron, Baroness, and Seneschal for review prior to being presented at an Officers meeting for final vote. Thank …