The Barony of the Cleftlands is accepting applications for Seneschal. If you would like to be considered for a position, please fill out the application online. The submission will be received by the Baron, Baroness, and Seneschal for review prior to being presented at an Officers meeting for final vote. The deadline for applications is March 8, 2017.
Job Description
The senechal is the legal and administrative representative of the Barony. They work closely with the baron and baroness (coronets) and acts as an adviser on baronial policy and kingdom law to help guide decisions and to remain compliant. The seneschal keeps the coronets apprised of matters or issues within the barony or kingdom and acts as a member of the financial committee, which is comprised of the seneschal, exchequer, and the baron and baroness. The seneschal will review event bids and prepare them for review by the baronial officers, will act as a deputy event steward to all events, and act as the signatory for any contracts. They, or their deputy, will run meetings (generally weekly) and officer meetings as necessary to discuss business items.
If you have any specific questions about this position, please contact the seneschal (Gianna Vettori) directly, (There is inevitably more to the job than listed above. 🙂 )
Useful Links
Thank you for your interest!