Site notes
We have returned home to our regular meeting site!
We are back at the Good Shepherd Family Center, St John of the Cross, 140 Richmond Rd, Euclid. Please note that we are back in our usual building, but our entrance has moved to the far end along the parking lot.
Upcoming Events
1/25 – Winter Wassail (Shire of Rivenvale), North Jackson, OH (no event website available) (Facebook event page)
2/1 – Snowshoe Hare Culture Faire (Canton of Woods End), Greenfield, OH (Facebook event page)
5/3 – Spring Coronation (Barony of the Cleftlands), Medina, OH
- See Dmitri and Jolicia if interested in helping in any way.
- There will be a brief preliminary staff meeting next week
6/29/26 – Save the Date: SCA 60 Year Anniversary! Hendricks County Fairgrounds, Danville, IN
For the full list of Midrealm events, visit the kingdom calendar at
Past Event
A Regular Event in Cleftlands (1/18)
- Thanks to all who attended or worked at the event, it went very smoothly.
- Get receipts to Robert by next week for reimbursement; after that it will be considered a donation to the event.
Guild Meeting Schedule
Regular schedule unless noted otherwise in announcements
Armorers: Thursday evenings in Berea, see Baron Calum for details.
Event Planning Committee: 3rd Tuesdays at Critical Hit Games
Needleworkers: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays at Critical Hit Games
Scribes: 1st Tuesdays at Critical Hit Games
Guild & Officer Announcements
Arts & Sciences: Teachers are needed for the 2025 schedule – please see Mistress Elizabethe if you are interested in teaching a class. Use our lovely new classroom!
Classes in Feb: the humors, cartridge pleating, and leatherworking.
Cooks: January cooks guild challenge is things that look like snow and/or ice – be creative!
Exchequer: We ask each person to donate $2/meeting, or $100/yr; if this is your 1st meeting, please be our guest.
Garb-a-Thon: Saturday Feb 1 at the House of 3 Cats Sewing Center – address will be posted
The following officers are still looking for deputies – contact them if you are interested or have questions:
- Chatelaine
- Chronicler
- Iron Key
- Youth Activities
Also, Mistress Elizabethe will be stepping down as our Minister of Arts and Sciences later this month, and Mistress Angharad will be stepping down as Seneschal in the first half of 2025. If you are interested in one of these, applications for both positions have been posted on our website. If you have questions about what the positions entail, please contact them and ask.
Next week (1/29) is our dessert revel and Midwinter Solemnities. Fighting will be going on this evening, though not during court. Watch for a list of those who will be invited into Baronial Court….
If you signed up to participate in the Noblesse Largesse, this is also when gifts will be exchanged.
For updates, corrections or additions, contact Lady Katherin verch Rhys at or on Facebook (, Angela Reese).