Meeting Minutes: 18-Sep-59

Important Meeting Notes

NO MEETING NEXT WEEK 9/25 – the school is having Parent/Teacher night, so we will not be able to use the hall.  Dessert Revel has been moved to the following week, 10/2.


Please remember that students will be often present in the evenings now that classes have started up again, and that due to the school’s rules, we are not permitted to take photos of any of the students who visit our meetings.



9/21:    Road to El Dorado & 50 Year Celebration (Marche of Gwyntarian), Uniontown, OH

9/28:    Fall Coronation (Shire of Greyhope), Rensselaer, IN

10/5:    Red Dragon (Marche of Tirnewydd), London, OH

10/19:  Fall Crown Tournament (Barony of Carriag Ban), DeKalb, IL

For the full list of Midrealm events, visit the kingdom calendar at


Local Events

Regular Event is scheduled for 1/18/25, mark your calendars!  There are several tournaments with prizes planned, along with plenty of food and lots of activities.  See Crispin if you are interested in helping with the event in any way.


Guild & Officer Announcements

Archery:  practice at 1pm on Sunday 9/22

Armorers:  meeting at regular time & place, see Baron Calum for details

Arts & Sciences:  tonight’s class:  Dance class w/Master Aiden.

Upcoming class:  10/9 – Archaeology 101 w/Edwin

Cooks:  Tonight’s project was making fermented lemons for Regular Event; thanks to everyone who came and helped!

Upcoming Cook’s guild challenges:

September dessert revel (rescheduled to 10/2): something made with pumpkins

October dessert revel (10/30): whatever you make must look creepy!

Exchequer:  we ask each person to donate $2/meeting, or $100/yr; if this is your 1st meeting, please be our guest.

Garb-a-Thon: was scheduled for Friday 9/20 but has been cancelled

Musicians:  no rehearsals during October


General Announcements

Again, there is NO MEETING NEXT WEEK 9/25 – the school is having Parent/Teacher night, so we will not be able to use the hall.  Dessert Revel has been moved to the following week, 10/2.

The Publick House was hugely popular at Spring Coronation and Spring Crown, and will be present at both Fall Coronation and Fall Crown.  There are very few people signed up to donate and/or volunteer so far, however, and this is a project that needs both.  Will you be attending one or both events?  If you can donate even an hour of your time to greet people and make them welcome, that is helpful.  Even if you aren’t attending, if you can donate food, drinks, or cash toward supplies, you are also helping to keep a welcoming space open.  Contact Dame Elizabethe Alles if you can help in any way.

Remember there is a fairly important election this year – check that you are registered to vote!  Robert will have voter registration forms with him at our next meeting in two weeks, for anyone who needs one.


Our temporary meeting site through at least the end of the year is Ss. Robert and William Catholic Parish, at 367 E. 260th St., Euclid.  Go to the school, not the church. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.  A brief business meeting is held at 8 p.m. We need to vacate the site between 9:30 and 10 p.m.  Please do not prop open the doors at meeting site unless there is a person monitoring the door.


For updates, corrections or additions, contact Lady Katherin verch Rhys at or on Facebook (, Angela Reese).