The Honorable Lord Pietro Nicolo da San Tebaldo, the deputy Minister of Arts & Sciences in the Cleftlands, issued a themed dessert revel which took place on March 29. Members of the barony were encouraged to display scrolls they had received through the years. Over a hundred scribal works were displayed, spanning not only the decades but many different styles and time periods. Among the most unique, a triptych painted on wood of a Dragon’s Heart for Master Elfäedur by Lord Pietro Nicolo da San Tebaldo and an embroidered Order of the Chivalry scroll for Sir Lorimer MacAltin of the Garioch by then-queen Duchess Caitlin Stuart. [Photography by Njall Orkneyjarsonn.]
To view the larger collection of scrolls displayed, please visit the Barony of the Cleftlands Facebook Album.