- We are still looking for bids for Standard Bearer’s event.
- There will be a short officers meeting next week at 8 pm, to discuss event bids.
- 8-May: Demo at the premiere of King Arthur at the Valley View Cinemark. Free tickets in exchange for showing up in garb. Probably no fighting.
- 3-Jun: 200th Street Crawl. 10 am to 2 pm. A community event for the neighborhood of the meeting: lots of fun, and reasonably short–you’ll be out by three.
- 16/18-Sep: Mapleside Demo.
- Planning for NOWM. Autocrats are still looking for a Royalty Liaison, and coordinators for Youth Activities, as well as general labor for everything from parking to site stewards. Let Gianna or Ginevra know if you’re willing to assist.
- Masque de le Fou is this Saturday in Eastwatch. Armored combat, rapier combat, all day dancing, feast, and a ball.
- Fletchings of Spring is 22-Apr. Jolicia is organizing the Breakfast Bar: if you can help with any baked goods, let her know.
Guilds are the special interest groups of the SCA: people working together to focus on a particular activity. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings.
- Woodworkers Guild meets this Thursday. 7-10 pm at Meinhard’s home. Please contact Meinhard at Meinhard.hammerschmidt@gmail.com for directions or with questions. You can also check the Cleftlands Woodworkers Facebook page.
- Armorer’s Guild and the Drinking Guild both meet at Ealdred and Clairiel’s home this Thursday, 7-10 pm . Please contact Calum at calum@att.net for information or directions.
- Unofficial Fencing Practice meets this Sunday. Please contact Cynwrig for details atjimpretz@sbcglobal.net.
- Archery Guild begins the season next Monday evening at the home of Gwynedd and Muldonney. Details will be posted online. They have a great deal of loaner equipment, so if you’re at all interested please come.
- Leatherwork’s Guild will meet at Oliver’s at 7 pm on Tuesday for a formal guild meeting. Please contact Oliver at adifferenttwist@gmail.com or on Oliver Stillman on Facebook for directions and information.
- Dancing will begin at 7 pm, next Wednesday, or as soon as there are people to dance (only two are required.) Look for Angharad and the big red canvas bag of music.
- Needleworkers will meet at Constanza’s home in Cleveland Hts Tue 4/11. The Guild is looking for a host for the 4/25 meeting. Contact Madelaine at ladymadelaine@sbcglobal.net if you have questions.
SCA News
- Geirr Bassi Haraldsson, a senior herald who did much to advance our understanding of Viking era Norse names, passed away last week.
Baron and Baroness
- This upcoming weekend are two events of interest: Masque de le Fou in Eastwatch, and the Grand Pageant/Tournament of Chivalry in the Barony of Sternfeld. Check the Midrealm Calendar for details. (www.midrealm.org/calendar).
- April 26 Dessert Revel will be the Armored Tourney. Please spiffy up your kit, bring your inspiration, and prepare to awe us all.
- Sorcha has stepped down as Baronial Signet to serve as Dragon Signet. Ginevra has stepped up as our Baronial Signet.