- Wednesday 7/6 will be the SCA Garage Sale. Please bring your goods to share, and your cash to buy.
- Officer meeting next week at 7 PM, probably in the upstairs kitchen.
- Mapleside Demo will be held Sept 17-18. Contact Sir Artair for information.
Guilds are the special interest groups of the SCA: people working together to focus on a particular activity. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings.
- Woodworkers Guild meets this Thursday, 7-10 pm at Meinhard’s home. Please contact Meinhard at for directions or with questions. You can also check the Cleftlands Woodworkers Facebook page.
- Armorer’s Guild will be meeting at Ealdred’ and Clariel’s home this Thursday, 7-10 pm . Please contact Calum at for information or directions.
- Unofficial Fencing Practice meets this Sunday. Please contact Cynwrig for details
- The Cooks’ Guild will be meeting for ‘Cooking with Fire’ at the Strawberry Lane Picnic shelter in the North Chagrin Metroparks reservation at 1 am. If you have questions, please check the Cleftlands Facebook page, or contact Angharad at
- Needleworkers will be meeting next Tuesday at Robins’s home. Directions will be posted to Cleftlist and the Cleftlands Facebook page closer to the meeting, or contact Madelaine at
- East side archery practice meets next Tuesday starting at 5:30 at the home of Gwyneth and Muldonney, 411 Douglas Blvd, Richmond Heights, OH 44143. Donations will be used to replace archery butts, foam, and targets. Loaner equipment is available.
Baron and Baroness
- Cleftlands Rapier Tourney will be held next Wednesday either outside near the Bocce Ball court or inside.
- We’re still looking for a person or people who can transport the Baronial tent to Pennsic to provide shade for Armored and Rapier combatants on the Battlefield. Please contact Gianna, Constanza, or Calum if you need information or can offer some transport space. The tent can be set up Tuesday of Peace week.
- The theme of the A&S competition of the Standard Bearer’s event is ‘Cleftlands.’