Greetings unto the populace of Cleftlands from Crispin and Gianna, fifth Baron and Baroness of Cleftlands. Their Royal Majesties Ullr and AnneLyse have carefully considered the words of the populace and have come to Their decision regarding the next Baronage of our lands, giving us leave to make the announcement. It is our great pleasure …
Category: Transition
Polling for the Next Baronage of the Cleftlands
Hello again all, Polling day is here! The poll to give your thoughts on the next Baronage of the Cleftlands is now live. Please go to this link to read the candidates’ letters of intent and, when you are ready, fill out the poll: Baronial Polling The poll will be open until 11:59 pm on …
Cleftlands Baronial Transition & Polling
Greetings Cleftlanders! Hopefully you have seen the announcement from Their Excellencies that the Barony is beginning the process to help select new person/s to fill the role of Baron and/or Baroness. It is with deep gratitude that I thank Baron Crispin and Baroness Gianna for their service these past 4.5 years. Huzzah! I’ll be doing the …
Cleftlands Baronial Transition
Greetings unto the populace and friends of the Barony of Cleftlands. To paraphrase the words of a much beloved author of ours, the wheel of time turns, and ages come and pass, leaving memories. Although it seems like yesterday that we stepped into this role representing the Cleftlands, it was some four and a half …
Baronial Polling Information
The Baronial polling document for non-members and those living outside of Cuyahoga County is now available online: Cleftlands Non-Member Poll Paid SCA members living within Cuyahoga County will be receiving their Baronial polls via USPS postal mail. Please take a moment to fill out the form with your commentary on the candidates – this input …
Baronial Candidate Q & A
Greetings to all members of the Cleftlands populace! The polls for the Cleftlands Baronial Transition have been sent to all active members living within Cuyahoga County; expect to receive them in the next few days. For those non-members and individuals residing outside Cuyahoga County, the non-member poll will be available on the Middle Kingdom website …
Cleftlands Baronial Transition
The Barony of Cleftlands in the Region of Northern Oaken is preparing to conduct a poll in order to provide counsel to the Crown regarding Their choice for Baron and Baroness. The poll will tentatively take place in the months of December and January. Non-member polls will be available at that time on the Middle …