Greetings unto the populace and friends of the Barony of Cleftlands.
To paraphrase the words of a much beloved author of ours, the wheel of time turns, and ages come and pass, leaving memories. Although it seems like yesterday that we stepped into this role representing the Cleftlands, it was some four and a half years ago and the time for transition approaches. We have chosen to step down as your Baron and Baroness as outlined by Middle Kingdom Law and have begun the preparation for baronial polling for the sixth person(s) who shall represent the Cleftlands in this role.
The time frame for the upcoming baronial polling:
Our baronial seneschal will begin accepting Letters of Intent on January 1st until no later than January 31st. On February 2nd, polling will begin and will be completed no later than February 23rd. Once polling ends, the compiled information will be sent to Their Royal Majesties for consideration, as it is their Right and Privilege to name our successors. We hope to have word no later than mid-April once the Crown makes Their decision and an investiture date is selected.
Although throughout this missive we have spoken of successors, however many combinations are acceptable by Middle Kingdom Law; Baron and Baroness, two Barons, two Baronesses, or a single Baron or Baroness are but some examples.
Over the course of December, we will be available publicly or privately to talk to any who may be interested in the duties and responsibilities of this role. Please reach out to us via email with any questions or scheduling. [ | ]
We thank you all for allowing us the privilege to serve the Barony and we look forward to working with our successors.