November Dessert Revel: Cleftlands Rapier Classic and Dessert Revel

Their Excellencies Pietro and Aurelia, sixth Barone and Baronessa of the Cleftlands, cordially invite you to their fall Cleftlands Rapier Classic and Dessert Revel. This tournament and revel will be held on Wednesday, November 30th, 2022 in Euclid, OH. All authorized rapier combatants are encouraged to participate regardless of rank, station, or location. The tournament will commence around 7:30 PM.

As with tournaments past, an inspiration to fight for is required. If you do not have one, on can or will be found for you. All fighting styles are permitted in this double elimination tournament with adjustments made based on turnout. Initial authorizations and re-authorizations will be offered if you arrive by 6:45.

If competing, combatants have been requested to sign up via Google Forms online ( or click the icon to the right) to expedite the check in process.

Revelers are encouraged to bring non-SCA friends and family so they may experience the prowess and pageantry of the tournament.

Event Schedule

6:45 PM – Check-in and authorizations begin
7:15 PM – Procession of fighters and opening ceremonies
7:30 PM – Tournament begins

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