There’s a lot of information, so please check out this week’s Internebbles newsletter (sent out via email, posted to the website, and on Facebook) for a complete rundown of the process, FAQs, as well as some words from those who held the position previously about what to expect and what qualifications might be good to have in an applicant.
In the meantime, here is a more detailed look:
- December 1 – Announcement made and the process begins! If you’re interested in applying, this is the time to learn more about what it means to be a Baron/ess.
- January 1-31 – Anyone who is interested in being included as a candidate for Baron/ess sends the required information to the Baronial Seneschal. That’s me! ( I will review and just make sure all the required documentation is included. Anyone can put their name in for consideration as long as they are a current SCA member and allowed to participate in the SCA and Cleftlands. More details to come!
- February 2-23 – The applicants are announced and an online poll will be available to vote for your choice and include feedback. The poll will be on the Baronial website, with two options: option 1 for “resident” (those who live within Cuyahoga County) and option 2 for “non-resident” (those who live outside Cuyahoga County). If you live outside Cuyahoga but consider Cleftlands your home, you can note that in your comments on the “non-resident” ballot. All comments are read and considered, so it does matter! It is possible to fill out a paper poll, but paper polls are only available by request – they will not be sent out. If you prefer paper, please make sure to request and send it in plenty of time to be considered.
- February 24-? The results are collated by the Kingdom Deputy for Transitions and sent to Their Majesties to review and make Their final choice. Again, all notes are included for Them to read, so your comments do matter!
After the announcement of the choice, an investiture date and event will be chosen at a time and place that is convenient for the outgoing Baron and Baroness, the incoming Baron/ess, and Their Majesties.
I will be providing more information as we go, so please keep an eye out for the newsletter as the next step. And send me any questions you might have!
Best regards,