Meeting Minutes: 1-Dec-56

Baron and Baroness, Crispin and Gianna

  • Crispin and Gianna, Baron and Baroness of Cleftlands,have chosen to step down as your Baron and Baroness as outlined by Middle Kingdom Law and have begun the preparation for baronial polling for the sixth person(s) who shall represent the Cleftlands in this role.
    • Our baronial seneschal will begin accepting Letters of Intent on January 1st until no later than January 31st. On February 2nd, polling will begin and will be completed no later than February 23rd. Once polling ends, the compiled information will be sent to Their Royal Majesties for consideration, as it is their Right and Privilege to name our successors. We hope to have word no later than mid-April once the Crown makes Their decision and an investiture date is selected.
    • Although throughout this missive we have spoken of successors, however many combinations are acceptable by Middle Kingdom Law; Baron and Baroness, two Barons, two Baronesses, or a single Baron or Baroness are but some examples.
    • Over the course of December, we will be available publicly or privately to talk to any who may be interested in the duties and responsibilities of this role. Please reach out to us via email with any questions or scheduling. [ ba… | baro… ]Missive: News:
  • Submit awards recommendations through the kingdom service portal:
  • Submit baronial awards recommendations by emailing Their Excellencies (, and, or filling out the form on the baronial website here:

Seneschal, Claricia


  • Masks are now required for all SCA activities that are held indoors, including combat. You must wear a mask if you go indoors at any point. Other current restrictions are: no shared food or drink, attendance must be taken at all SCA activities, pre-registrations are required for all weekend SCA events, and if you are hosting or posting invitations for any SCA activity you must include the Society disclaimer. Please contact Lady Claricia for additional information or with questions –
  • Baronial meetings will be held every other week until further notice.  The next meetings are Dec. 15 (Yule Revel) and Dec. 29.
  • Meetings still require attendance being taken. Please save time and sign up for the upcoming Baronial meeting here:
  • Anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 is asked to alert the seneschal. The name of the person will be given to the Middle Kingdom and the county board of health, according to kingdom procedures. Names of COVID-19-positive gentles will not be publicly announced.
  • Updates on SCA and kingdom restrictions, and baronial updates, will be distributed via the Cleftlist email list and the baronial Facebook page.
  • In an effort to keep business meetings short, and to reduce the number of announcements, gentles who have announcements are asked to send them prior to the meeting to Chronicler THL Jolicia atte Northclyfe at

Guilds and Guild Adjacent Activities

Some guilds are hosting virtual online activities; please contact the person in charge for details or see the Cleftlands Facebook group for more information. Guilds are permitted to meet in small groups, according to the guidelines that are available on the Cleftlands website, along with forms needed to do an official guild meeting. Guilds are the special interest groups of the SCA: people working together to focus on a particular activity. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings.

When hosted at a private location, the owners may have additional requirements and restrictions for attendance. Please check with them for details.

As always, please use the new online A&S Activities Tracker on the Midrealm Services Portal to note what you’ve been up to.

  • Armorers Guild: Contact Sir Calum via email.
  • Archery Guild: There will be no archery practice in December. If there is a warm weekend forecast this winter, archery practice will be held. Contact Lady Gwyneth on Facebook.

Cleftlands Archery Practice (weather permitting)

When: Sundays, 12pm – 2pm. Weather dependent.

Where: 411 Douglas Blvd, Richmond Heights OH

Sign up:

We are happy to host archery practice once more. All SCA/Midrealm guidelines will be followed. Please bring your own refreshments / water.  The property owners will be requiring proof of vaccination. The owners will check for  completed vaccination cards. This is not a reflection of SCA policy but the requirements of t. the property owners.  If you require loaner equipment please pm Lady Gwyneth Cole.…/uploads/2021/05/052021EventSign.pdf

  • Leatherworks Guild:  On hiatus. Contact Master Oliver via email or on Facebook.
  • Anti-Social Guild: On hiatus. Contact Baron Stephan Von Lübeck via email or on Facebook.
  • Needleworkers Guild:  Contact Lady Miriana via email.
  • Dance Guild — Contact Baroness Angharad via email.
  • Cooks Guild:  Contact Baroness Angharad via email.
  • Scribes Guild. Contact Master Milesent via email.
  •  Unofficial Potters’ Guild: Contact Mistress Aurelia via the Facebook group.
  • Northern Oaken Recorder Ensemble: Contact THL Jolicia atte Northclyfe via email.
  • Makers Guild is starting up again, using the Lorain County Community College Makers Lab. Contact Lord Rayner via email.


  • Demo coordinator, Karl
  • Pursuivant, Njall
    • Enter your name and information on the services portal, and mark Cleftlands as your home group. Being on the services portal makes it easy to submit your friends for awards and find other SCAdians. See Njall for details (
  • Rapier Marshall, Lupa
  • Armored Combat Marshall, Constanza
  • Archery Marshal, Cadfan
  • Chronicler, Jolicia
  • A&S Minister, Angharad
    • The Noblesse Largesse gift exchange will be Dec. 29.
    • If you would like to teach a class, or have a topic you’d like to learn, let her know (
  • Exchequer, Robert
  • Chatelaine, Jaquelinne
  • Iron Key, Tryggr
    • Some Iron Key items have been discarded. See Lord Tryggr Gillason ( if you have items to donate.
  • .Youth Minister, Rojhon
    • Donations of craft supplies are needed. Yarn, beads, games, garb and more will be accepted.


Other Announcements

  • Reminder! If you’re looking for information, news, and updates, past issues of the Internebbles newsletter are posted for your convenience. All in one place, and always available to answer your questions. Go here to see all posted issues:
  • If anyone has ideas for articles for the newsletter, or a nomination for an interviewee for 5 Questions for a Cleftlander, please contact Claricia at



  • Dec. 15 is our  Yule Revel. See THL Jolicia to volunteer to help.
    • Put on your fanciest garb and get ready for a fun evening of socializing and more! Here’s what is planned:
    • Deck a Tree: Bring a handmade (or looks handmade) ornament(s) for the Yule tree.
    • Craft Corner: Adults and kids can make a craft.
    • ‘Not Necessarily Cookie’ Exchange: Like a cookie exchange, you would bring one or more entries, equivalent in effort and/or expense to a dozen cookies. For every entry you bring, you can take one entry home. So, if you bring a dozen felt sewing kits, you could take home a dozen items from other people.  Items should arrive by 7 pm; start choosing what you’ll like to take home at 8 pm.
    • European dancing – Baroness Angharad will teach period dances. No experience necessary!
    • Tabletop Decoration – Decorate a tabletop on the theme, “Winter Night Lights.” Please bring a table from home if you can.

(In observance of SCA rules, please do not bring food to share.)

Disclaimer: Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to try to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.

  • Standard Bearers will be held in January or February. Bids are being accepted; see a former event steward or Claricia ( for information.
  • See the Midrealm calendar for more upcoming events across the kingdom.

For updates or additions, contact THL Jolicia atte Northclyfe at or on Facebook.