A&S Activities: Week of 14-Mar

14-Mar, 7 pm: Cooking with Hadley – Alfred and the Oat Cakes. https://zoom.us/j/95768356526?pwd=cXh5bllBSjc5S3NDZHhReXUrL3ZYQT09
15-Mar, 8 pm: Navigating the e-SCA: https://zoom.us/j/93022557543?pwd=TFJnZDZIVFZ1U1pOanJTZlBHNnByQT09
16-Mar, 7 pm: What to Consider When Choosing Your Name and Heraldry. https://zoom.us/j/98683924776?pwd=SU5EbHQ0WFV1amI3bGZWZWdpWGlLdz09
17-Mar, 7:30 pm: Start a Newsletter and Keep it Going. https://zoom.us/j/95184648539?pwd=UkMvSlJWQkZxVXdLVXdnd1d1ZjErUT09
18-Mar, 8 pm: Armourers Guild meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84704344487?pwd=UGJrZUxqNW5JQ05jeHBtYWdLQUl4QT09

For more details about these classes and activities, check the Cleftlands calendar at http://www.cleftlands.org/calendar/