Baron and Baroness, Crispin and Gianna
- Submit recommendations for awards to be given at Regular Event.
- Sergeant Sirius has been placed on vigil for the Order of the Chivalry. He will be elevated at Regular Event.
Seneschal, Cadfan
- Cadfan will be stepping down as seneschal at NOWM. Interested gentles will be able to apply for the next three months starting soon. The application is online. Talk to Cadfan before applying and talk to other past seneschals. The incoming seneschal will be trained from March to June.
- Cleftlands has a wiki that includes information about members of the Barony – please update your information at or use the Wiki to research your friends.
Guilds and Guild Adjacent Activities
Guilds are the special interest groups of the SCA: people working together to focus on a particular activity. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings. Please use the new online A&S Activities Tracker on the Midrealm Services Portal to note what you’ve been up to.
- Armorer’s Guild meets Thursday’s at Ealdred and Clairiel’s home. Please contact Calum at for information or directions.
- Archery Guild is on hiatus for winter. Please check the Baronial Facebook page for details or contact Gwyneth.
- Leatherworks Guild meets Tuesdays at Oliver’s at 7 pm. Please contact Oliver at or on Oliver Stillman on Facebook for directions and information.
- Lubeck hosts his Anti-Social (Brewing and everything else) Meeting 7-10 most Tuesdays. If you’re interested, please contact him as Steve Kerg on Facebook to confirm the meeting. The Meadery in Western Reserve interested in doing classes in mead making; the date is up in the air.
- Needleworkers Guild normally meets 2 and 4th Tuesdays. It will be held at Baroness Madelaine’s house this coming Tuesday. Contact Miriana at for details.
- Dance Guild — No report.
- Cook’s Guild meets first Wednesdays at meeting. There will be a Siege Cookery Challenge at the January Dessert Revel. Get a bag of ingredients from Angharad and bring the dish to the dessert revel. The guild will make custard-type dishes at meetings, starting at 7:30 p.m. on Jan. 22. Contact Angharad at if you have questions.
- Scribes Guild. Please contact Milesent at with any questions.
- Demo coordinator, Karl
- There are tentative plans for a demo on 9-May at the Wild Woods. Details are pending.
- Pursuivant, Njall
- The first meeting of the month he hosts heraldic consultations about submitting an SCA name or arms. Please let him know if you are interested.
- Enter your name and information on the services portal, and mark Cleftlands as your home group. Being on the services portal makes it easy to submit your friends for awards and find other SCAdians. See Njall for details.
- Rapier Marshall, Ragna (by Njall)
- No report.
- Chronicler, Angharad
- She is looking to step down as Chronicler; see her for details. Application is going up tomorrow; it will be open for 1 1/2 weeks.
- A&S Minister, Angharad
- The next Tournament of the Arts will be held on 11-Jan. Registration is closed.
- March 21 is the North Oaken A&S faire. Registration for entrants is up now. Judges are needed, too.
- Exchequer, Robert:
- If you would like to donate baronial tithes for the whole year ($45), Robert can give you a receipt for your tax purposes.
- Regular Event, 29-Feb (Leap Year Day) :
- Jacqueline is Event Steward with Clariscia as her Deputy Steward. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact them. The event theme is a “A Perfect Pairing.”
- There will be an A&S challenge. Brute squad help is needed. Donations are needed for Breakfast Bar.
- Volunteers are needed for set-up on Friday.
- Help is needed to prepare feast foods ahead of time. Work will be done during future baronial meetings. See Angharad.
- Katerin is recruiting teachers for the event. Please let her know if you would like to teach.
- Brute Squad is needed to help merchants load in and out. See Brendan.
- Northern Oaken War Manuevers (NOWM) AS 54/2021
- Gianna has been Event Steward for the last seven years. If you are interested in shadowing her and learning to take on the role at “the event that runs itself” please let her know, as it’s not too early to get started on planning.
- Regular Event, AS 55/2021
- The site we are using (the Byzantine Cathedral in Parma) will not be available after 2020. It is NOT too soon to begin looking for a 2021 site and planning the bid.
- There will be an A&S Challenge: Projects should combine something you are good at with something you are just learning.
- Standard Bearers, AS 55/2021
- Why wait to start planning?
- If you want to host a tournament or would like to make a prize for a tournament, see Sirius.