Baronial Trim Survey

The custom 1.5″ nebuly trim from Calontir Trim.

As discussed on Wednesday evening, a request for funding was submitted to the baronial officers outlining a purchase of baronial nebuly-themed trim arranged through Calontir Trim. The minimum custom order is 500 meters for a rough total cost of $900. It is our intent to offer the trim locally to barony members for $2.00 per yard which covers the initial investment cost. As the request is greater than $500, the funding request must be presented to the populace.

Please follow the link below to cast your vote.

  • Survey [This survey has closed as of September 27, 2017 at 11:59 PM.]

If you have any questions, please reach out to me.

In Service to the Barony,

Cadfan of Cleftlands