Meeting Minutes: 21-Feb-58


NEW MEETING SITE: We will not be able to meet at St. John of the Cross between March 20 and Labor Day. The school at Ss. Robert and William Catholic Parish, aka Saint Billy-Bob, is our alternative meeting site. The address is 367 E 260th St., Euclid. A document containing details and photos has been distributed; access it here. 

Feb. 28 revel: The A&S Display is cancelled. Armored and rapier combat will take place at the revel. The Cook’s Challenge is to make something red or pink for Valentine’s Day.

March 6: Forester Gwyneth is hosting a darts tournament. Participants can drop by to test their skill and compete for a prize.


March 27: Martial Madness and Baronial court

April: Armored Tournament

May: Swap meet and possible cookout


April 13: Standard Bearers and Northern Oaken Regional A&S Fair at Sts. Robert and William Church in Euclid. Standard Bearers competitions will include armored combat, rapier combat and A&S. The archery champion will be selected at Fletchings of Spring. Contact Lord Tarmach, the event steward, with questions.

North Oaken A&S Fair: Entrants and judges are needed. See Sir Crispin or Mistress Milesent for details.

May 18: Fletchings of Spring. The baronial archery championship will be held at this event, not Standard Bearers. Event steward is Lord Tarmach.


SOCIAL MEDIA: Regular (three days each week) updates about the movie to the new meeting place will be posted on various social media channels.

Gold Key: If you need loaner garb for upcoming spring events, please see our Gold Key coordinator Lady Leonne. She is organizing a project to make Cleftlands tabards; sewing help and donated material is needed.

MOAS: See the baronial calendar ( or the baronial Facebook page for details on upcoming classes. See MOAS Mistress Elizabeth if you want to teach or request a class.

Chronicler: THL Jolicia is stepping down in March. There is an application on the baronial website, and talk to her to learn more.


Archery: Baronial Archery Champion Mistress Milesent requests that all archers make the colors blue and white, or a nebuly, part of their kit or garb for Standard Bearers.

Needleworkers Guild: Meetings are held at Critical Hit gaming store in Cleveland Heights on the second and fourth Tuesdays at 6:30. See Lady Miriana to learn more.

Armorers Guild:  Thursday meetings have resumed; see Baron Calum for details.

Garb-a-Thons: Check the baronial Google calendar for details. The organizers want to know if gentles are interested in Sunday sessions. See Mistress Thorhalla, Lady Genevra and Lady Chaiya for details.


Feb. 24: Masque of Courtly Love (Akron)

March 2: Winter War Maneuvers (Marion, Ohio)

May 4: Spring Coronation (Canton)

See a full list of upcoming Midrealm events here:


Lady Leonne is updating the Cleftlands contacts booklet. Contact her to update or add your information.

Exchequer: Members are asked to donate $2 per meeting, or $100 per year, to cover the cost of the meeting hall rental.

Quartermaster: The quartermaster must be notified at least two weeks in advance if a member wishes to borrow baronial gear.

Baronial meetings: Set-up starts at 6:30 p.m. and activities start at 7 p.m. A brief business meeting is held at 8:15 p.m.

For updates, corrections or additions, contact THL Jolicia atte Northclyfe at or on Facebook (Julie Washington).