July 12: Baronial Swap Meet and Potluck. If your name (either your first or last mundane name, or first or last SCA name – it’s up to you) starts with A-J, bring a protein; K-O, bring a side dish; O-Z, bring a dessert. Also, bring your favorite non-alcoholic beverage for yourself. Lady Jocelin is bringing paper products.
Swap meet: Bring gently used items of interest to SCAdians to sell or trade.
Aug. 26: Brendokenfest and Baronial Investiture, in Medina.
Pennsic Break: July 19 is the last baronial meeting. Meetings resume Aug. 23.
Baronial Muster Schedule – All musters start at the Camp of the Three Bears.
- Baronial Battlefield Tent Raising: Tue., 1-Aug. at 11 a.m. Help is needed.
- Opening Ceremonies: Sat., 5-Aug., muster at 4 p.m. at Midrealm Royal. All are invited to participate, none are required.
- Rapier Company of the Cleftlands: Mon., 7-Aug., gather at 12:30 for a 1 p.m. march out to the Rapier Crossroads battle.
- Archery Company of the Cleftlands: Tue., 8-Aug., gather at 9:30 a.m. for a 10 a.m. march to the Archery range.
- Armored Company of the Cleftlands, including Combat Archers and Siege Engineers: Fri., 11-Aug. Gather at 8:30 a.m. for a 9 a.m. march out to the Armored Field Battle.
- Baronial Battlefield Tent Dismissal: Fri., 11-Aug. after the River Seine battle (approximately 1 p.m.) Help is needed to take the tent down.
Class notes: Bring back class notes to share with others at the first dessert revel after Pennsic.
Keep Home Fires Burning Hang-outs: These will be held each Wednesday when there is no Cleftlands meeting, 6-8:30 p.m. at the Richmond Heights Library. Light snacks will be provided; bring a craft. Check the baronial Facebook page for details, or see Mistress Thorhalla and Lady Chaiya
See our seneschal Mistress Angharad for details on all Pennsic matters.
Aug. 30: Baronial archery tournament will be held at the meeting site, weather permitting.
Minister of Arts and Sciences
- No classes will be held until after Pennsic. Sign up for the A&S Display and/or the Craftspersons Green at Pennsic. See the baronial calendar, baronial Facebook page or our MOAS Mistress Elizabethe for details.
- Garb-a-thon sewing sessions are scheduled for June and early July. Watch the baronial Facebook page for details.
- Needleworkers Guild: Members will meet in person at 7 p.m. July 11 at Critical Hits gaming store in Cleveland Heights to work on scrolls.
- Armorers Guild: This guild meets most Thursdays in Berea. The schedule may change leading up to Pennsic. The host requires that participants be fully vaccinated for COVID-19. See Baron Calum for details.
- July 28-Aug. 13: Pennsic
- Aug. 26: Brendokenfest and Baronial Investiture, in Medina.
- Sept. 23: Fall Coronation, Greenfield, OH (between Columbus and Cincinnati)
See a full list of upcoming Midrealm events here:
- Exchequer: Members are asked to donate $2 per meeting, or $100 per year, to cover the cost of the meeting hall rental.
- Quartermaster: The quartermaster must be notified at least two weeks in advance if a member wishes to borrow baronial gear.
- Baronial meetings: Set-up starts at 6:30 p.m. and activities start at 7 p.m. A brief business meeting is held about 9 p.m.
For updates, corrections or additions, contact THL Jolicia atte Northclyfe at or on Facebook (Julie Washington).