4-Oct (Sun) 7 pm: History of the Harpsichord by Jolicia atte Northclyfe: https://zoom.us/j/91545071080?pwd=WGFab3YrOFR1SVBhcHRzV3FoeXJsUT09
5-Oct :(Mon) 7 pm: Bardic Recitation by Breddelwyn ap Taliesin. https://zoom.us/j/95042306466?pwd=OXppdVRsczZuOE9sT2lIRTRNT0lXUT09
6-Oct (Tue) 7 pm: Spinning Our Tales: We Can All Be Bards by Aveline de Ceresbroch https://zoom.us/j/95927596409?pwd=Ny9RYzdkbVN5eFNyZG5jY3FiUlduQT09
7-Oct (Wed) 7 pm: Performing in Persona by Mistress Zsof: https://zoom.us/j/92661598137?pwd=ekdkUGhjTmxmSmZqVXhLU0dkU1pNZz09
8-Oct (Thu) 8 pm: Armourers (and Schmoozers) Guild, led by Calum. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84704344487?pwd=UGJrZUxqNW5JQ05jeHBtYWdLQUl4QT09