Baron and Baroness, Crispin and Gianna
- Armored combat will be moving outdoors at meeting, weather permitting.
- At Coronation this last week, Laurelen was asked to serve as King’s Champion.
- Fletchings of Spring, an all-day archery event, is 11-May at Punderson State Park. For additional information, check
- North Oaken War Maneuvers. 1 to 3-Jun.
- Clean up weekend is 18-May, opposite Aethelmearc War Practice.
- Pre-registration is open. Please find Madelaine or Dorothea at meeting.
- Robert is looking for people to help with parking Friday and Saturday.
- Youth Point needs adult volunteers all three days. We could also use donations of craft supplies.
- The Class Coordinator still has some class spots open.
- Gate could use volunteers, especially on Saturday.
- Katelena would appreciate help with the Royalty lunch. She’ll be posting lists of what is needed.
- Gianna is still looking for someone interested in learning how to organize NOWM.
- Remember that, as parking is limited, it’s helpful to park with your friends and campmates so that you’ll be leaving around the same time.
- Pierogi Hut will be serving Friday and Saturday 6-9 pm.
- Craftsperson Row at NOWM will be by the bocce ball court. Talk to Jolicia about displaying.
- May Dessert Revel on 29-May will be the Baronial Garage Sale and Swap Meet. Start collecting your white elephants now.
- Bardic Madness, 2-Nov, will be in Rocky River.
- It is just about time to be thinking about Regular Event for next year. If you have any ideas, please discuss them with Cadfan.
- Demo Coordinator, Shahzada
- She’s looking to step down soon. If you have any questions or are interested, please talk with her, or apply online after Friday.
- A&S Minister, Runa:
- Runa is stepping down in November this year. If you’re interested, please talk with her.
- Please use the new online A&S Activities Tracker on the Midrealm Services Portal ( Runa has posted directions on how to make entries on Facebook.
- Classes! Please tell Runa if you’d like to teach, or provide suggestions about what you’d like to learn. She’s particularly interested in Pennsic-prep classes for June.
Other News
- Jaquelinne is sponsoring a ’50 Largesse Items for Midrealm 50-Year’ challenge. She’ll collect and present the items of largesse at the 50-year celebration as a gift of the Cleftlands. Please have your items to her by 15-May: she’ll arrange to get them there and presented.
- Sirius is hosting a Two Headed Troll tourney at meeting in next weeks. Proper hand protection is required. NO hockey gloves!! Information is available on the Facebook page.
- Miriana, as A&S Champion, is setting an ongoing A&S challenge: To work as a team with someone of a different skill level. Be the learner or the teacher. The first presentation of items created will be the Wednesday before 50 Year.
Guilds and Guild Adjacent Activities
Guilds are the special interest groups of the SCA: people working together to focus on a particular activity. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings.
- Armorer’s Guild will meet at Ealdred and Clairiel’s home this Thursday. Please contact Calum at for information or directions.
- Lubeck usually hosts his Anti-Social (Brewing) club on Thursday. They are currently working on beer and taxidermy. If you’re interested, please contact him as Steve Kerg on Facebook to confirm the meeting.
- Archery Guild will meet, depending on weather, on Mondays, 5:30, at Gwyneth’s home. They will meet next on Memorial Day. Please check the Baronial Facebook page for details or contact Gwyneth.
- Leatherwork’s Guild meets Tuesdays at Oliver’s at 7 pm. Please contact Oliver at or on Oliver Stillman on Facebook for directions and information.
- Needleworkers Guild meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. Next meeting is 14-May at Madelaine’s, but they will not meet again in May. Directions will be posted online, or contact Madelaine at for detail for details and directions.
- Bookbinders Guild is making 50 small books to give as largesse at MK 50-Year, at Wednesday meetings. Please contact Jolicia or James Barkley if you have questions. There’s already a post with requested supplies on the Baronial FB page.
- Scribes Guild meets first Mondays, next on 6-May, at 7 pm at Brackenburye Cottage. Please contact Melisent at with any questions.
- Cook’s Guild meets first Wednesdays at meeting. Contact Angharad at if you have questions. We will be planning to do some “Cooking over Fire’ practices at NOWM.