Baron and Baroness, Crispin
- Our own Sorcha will be elevated to the Order of the Pelican at the Pferstadt Classic on 14-Sep.
Seneschal, Cadfan
- The Mapleside Demo is cancelled for this year, due to a lack of responsiveness by the new Mapleside team.
- Shahzada has been confirmed as our Social Media Officer.
- Constanza is stepping up as our new Knight’s Marshall.
- Clarisca is stepping up as Cadfan’s Deputy Seneschal.
- The Needleworker’s Guild has a new leader, Miriana.
Demo Coordinator, Carl
- The Maker’s Faire is back on, and will be at the Science Center, rather than the Library downtown. They have asked us to appear again. The demo will be November 2. Please contact Carl for information.
- Runa, A&S Minister
- Next week, Edward fitzRanulf is teaching classes on Mustard on 11-Sep, and on Sauces on the 19-Sep.
- If you are interested in serving as Cleftlands MoAS, please talk with Runa, who is stepping down in November.
- September Dessert Revel: Our Open House/Arts Faire
- Standard Bearer’s: 5-Oct. Cadfan is still seeking a gatekeeper for the event, for which the site fee is a donation. There will be a rummage/yard sale at the event to help pay for the site. Lunch will be $5, while feast is $10. .For more info, check the website at
- Bardic Madness, 2-Nov, will be in Rocky River.
- November Dessert Revel: Armored Tourney
- December Dessert Revel: Yule Celebration.
- Regular Event: accepting bids
Guilds and Guild Adjacent Activities
Guilds are the special interest groups of the SCA: people working together to focus on a particular activity. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings. Please use the new online A&S Activities Tracker on the Midrealm Services Portal to note what you’ve been up to.
- Armorer’s Guild meets Thursday’s at Ealdred and Clairiel’s home. Please contact Calum at for information or directions.
- Lubeck hosts his Anti-Social (Brewing) club 7-10 most Tuesdays. If you’re interested, please contact him as Steve Kerg on Facebook to confirm the meeting.
- Archery Guild meets, depending on weather, on Mondays 5:30 pm, at Gwyneth’s home. This week w’ll be doing a Pennsic review. Please check the Baronial Facebook page for details or contact Gwyneth.
- Leatherworks Guild meets Tuesdays at Oliver’s at 7 pm. Please contact Oliver at or on Oliver Stillman on Facebook for directions and information.
- Needleworkers Guild normally meets 2 and 4th Tuesdays. They will meet on 10-Sep at Miriana’s home, and 24-Sep at Constanzas. Directions will be posted online, or contact Madelaine at for detail for details and directions.
- Woodworker’s Guild may restart – depending on interest. Please contact Meinhard at to express interest or ask questions.
- Scribes Guild meets first Mondays at 7 pm at Brackenburye Cottage. Please contact Melisent at with any questions.
- Bardic Tea Time will occur next Saturday at Orsina’s at 2 pm. Please contact her on Facebook for details. .
- Cook’s Guild meets first Wednesdays at meeting. Contact Angharad at if you have questions.