Seneschal, Cadfan
- Our costs for the meeting site went up on February 1 by about 42%. We’re also running into space limitations at this site. The officers are exploring possible options. If you have any ideas about alternate sites for weekly meeting, please contact Cadfan at .
- February Dessert Revel on 27-Feb will be a display of our arts and sciences. Please bring things you have made or are working on and share them with the rest of the Barony. If you’re working on an regional A&S Faire entry, let Claricia know, and she can help arrange teachers and mentors to help you out.
- North Oaken Regional A&S Faire: 13-Apr, here in the Cleftlands.
- North Oaken War Maneuvers. 1 to 3-Jun.
- It’s never too early to volunteer – Let Gianna know if you’d like to help out.
- Pre-registration will open after tax season so prepare to pre-reg at our 17-Apr meeting.
- Exchequer, Robert
- Regular Event’s books are closed. With half the expected attendance, we lost $2,500.
- A&S Minister, Runa:
- Next week Eikbrandr will be teaching a class on making Romoan fibula brooches.
- Classes! Please tell Runa if you’d like to teach, or provide suggestions about what you’d like to learn. She has an open date at the first meeting in April.
- Chatelaine, Miriana:
- After two years, she’s looking to step down in the not-too-distant future. If you are interested in learning more about the role, or in possibly taking it on, please talk to her.
Other News
- Jacqueline is sponsoring a ’50 Largesee Items for Midrealm 50-Year’ challenge. She’ll collect and present the items of largesse at the 50-year celebration as a gift of the Cleftlands. Please have your items to her by 15-May: she’ll arrange to get them there and presented.
- Falcon’s Quarry hosts a regular Sunday combat practice, both rapier and armored combat, including an armored tourney this upcoming Sunday and a rapier tourney the following Sunday. . Please check out the schedule and information on their website at
- Elinor has been accepted to present at the Yankee Peddler Festival the last three weekends of September. She’s looking for sales assistants who could help her at the Fair. Entrance to the Fair will be free, and she can pay in custom-made garb.
Guilds and Guild Adjacent Activities
Guilds are the special interest groups of the SCA: people working together to focus on a particular activity. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings.
- Armorer’s Guild will meet at Ealdred and Clairiel’s home this Thursday. Please contact Calum at for information or directions.
- Lubeck is hosting his ‘Anti-Social’ club on Thursdays: they will be working on glass beads this Thursday. If you’re interested in joining in, please contact him as Steve Kerg on Facebook.
- Cook’s Guild is hosting the annual Siege Cookery Challenge next week at the Dessert Revel. If you did not get a bag at meeting, the mystery ingredients this year are dried figs, raisins, black peppercorns, and red wine vinegar. Bring your dish(es) to the February Dessert Revel on 27-Feb to share with the Barony.
- Archery Guild will probably not meet Sunday due to the weather. Please check the Baronial Facebook page for details, or contact Gwyneth.
- Leatherwork’s Guild meets Tuesdays at Oliver’s at 7 pm. Please contact Oliver at or on Oliver Stillman on Facebook for directions and information.
- Needleworkers Guild meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. They will meet next Tuesday at Constanza’s home. Directions will be posted online, or contact Madelaine at for detail for details and directions.
- Scribes Guild meets first Mondays, next on 4-Mar, at 7 pm at Brackenburye Cottage, Please contact Melisent at with any questions.