February Dessert Revel: Gaming
Their Excellencies Cleftlands cordially invite you to the February Gaming and Dessert Revel to be held on Wednesday, February 28th, 2018 in Euclid, OH. Join the Barony of the Cleftlands in a night of medieval(ish) gaming! Whether “modern” (chess, checkers, backgammon) or the more exotic (brandubh, tablut, halatafl) get your game on with your fellow challengers. Don’t have any games or know how to play? Join in on the make and take session and never be bereft of portable play again! If gaming isn’t your thing, learn exotic dances from the East Kingdom taught by Lady Eve of Cleftlands or take a class with Duke Eikbrandr and Torstenn and learn how to make your own brass buckles. Enjoy the usual desserts offered at the revels and see what madness the Cleftlands Cooks Challenge brings us this month.
We look forward to seeing you there! … and eating all your candy gaming pieces. Nom! 🙂 Everyone is welcome.