- The applications for Demo Coordinator and A&S Minister positions are closing at midnight tonight.
- Please express your opinion about the Barony purchasing of 500 meters of baronial trim from Calontir Trim at
- Next Wednesday will the Open House to greet newcomer’s from the Mapleside Demo. Please wear garb and be welcoming. There will be many displays of arts and activities.
- If you’d like to run a small class, or to create a display, please coordinate with Robin, as our Chatelaine.
- If you’d like to fight armored, please contact Thorin in advance as he’s organizing fighting demo activities.
- Gold Key garb will be available for newcomers.
- Mapleside Demo: Many thanks to everyone who participated. Over 100 people signed up to get further information about the SCA, and others took printed information: we definitely succeeding in sharing the SCA with lots of people.
- Standard Bearer’s: The exchequer has closed the books: we broke even, being $0.59 in the black for the event.
- Regular Event in January: Will be the 40th anniversary of the Cleftlands.
- Katerin is organizing classes. If you’re able or interested in teaching, please contact her so she can start building the schedule.
- Elizabeth is organizing the 40-year history display. As she’s not been in the Barony nearly that long, she’s looking for people to share their experiences, memories, photos, and items to fill the display. Please talk to her if you have things to share.
- Jacqueline is coordinating the ’40 for 40′ challenge to make 40 items to gift the royalty for largesse. Please contact her if you have questions or would like to keep her updated.
- The stewards are still looking for a Merchant Coordinator: please let Jolicia or Jacqueline know if you are interested in helping out in this way.
Guilds and Other A&S Activities
Guilds are the special interest groups of the SCA: people working together to focus on a particular activity. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings.
- Armorer’s Guild (but not the less official Booze and Schmooze) meets at Ealdred and Clairiel’s home this Thursday, 7-10 pm. Please contact Calum at for information or directions.
- Woodworkers, which normally meets Thursdays, will not meet this week.
- Archery Guild meets Sundays at the home of Gwyneth and Muldonney, from 11 til 2. They have a great deal of loaner equipment, including Combat Archery arrows, so if you’re at all interested, please come.
- Unofficial Fencing Practice meets this upcoming Sunday. Please contact Cynwrig for details at
- James Barkley will be hosting an open Bookbinding workshop on the second Monday of each month. Please contact him on Facebook as Chuck Minch for details.
- Leatherwork’s Guild meet at Oliver’s at 7 pm on Tuesdays for an Open Bench. Please contact Oliver at or on Oliver Stillman on Facebook for directions and information.
- Jaquelinne will host Needleworkers Tue, 26-Sep at 7. Directions will be posted on Facebook. Please contact Madelaine at for information or for directions.
Other Announcements
- Orsina knows an amateur photographer who would like to do a series of photographs of people in historical garb with pets or animals appropriate to the garb. Please let her know if you’re interested in serving as a model.
Baron and Baroness
- The Barons welcomed two new members who have moved here from Caid: Edward FitzAethelstan and Lana, and thanked them for coming to their first meeting before even unpacking their boxes. Sir Grim, also previously of Caid, has separately moved into the area.
- They thanked everyone who assisted in making Mapleside a most successful demo: our first two newcomers from the demo came tonight as well and will be back.