- Bids for Standard Bearers and Northern Oaken War Maneuvers have been accepted, August 20, 2016 and June 9-11, 2017 respectively.
- Standard Bearer’s will be Sat, Aug 20, the Saturday immediately after Pennsic. Jolicia is stewarding. She’s asking for help on Aug 19 to set up the Baronial tent. Your A&S entry should be related to the Cleftlands (a person, an event, or some other connection.)
- The Mapleside Demo is upcoming in September. Please contact Artair for details.
Guilds are the special interest groups of the SCA: people working together to focus on a particular activity. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings.
- Woodworkers Guild meets this Thursday, 7-10 pm at Meinhard’s home. Please contact Meinhard at for directions or with questions. You can also check the Cleftlands Woodworkers Facebook page.
- Pennsic:
- Pietro needs a count of those looking for fight for the Rapier Unit at Pennsic. Please let him know at
- Battlefield Hospitality is looking for volunteers to help support the Cleftlands Armored and Rapier Units on the Battlefield. Please contact Angharad, Dorothea, or Claricia for details.
- Many thanks to Gianna and Oliver for ensuring we’ll have a Baronial tent to provide hospitality beneath. Tent setup will be Tue, 2-Aug at noon; tear-down immediately after the Rapier field battle (3 pm) on Fri, 12-Aug. Fighters and others are invited to help with setup and take down.
- Archery Muster will be before the first day of the Populace Shoot: Sun 7-Aug. Please meet at 10 am at The Camp of the Three Bears to march out together.
- Rapier Muster will be before the Stronghold Battle. Meet at The Camp of the Three Bears around 12:30 on Tue, 9-Aug. (The muster will be immediately after the morning’s Armored Battle.)
- Armored Battle Unit Muster will be before the Field Battle. Meet at the Camp of the Three Bears at 9 am on Friday, 12 to march together to the Battlefield.
- Midrealm Royal Encampment is looking for volunteers for many activities including gate guards. Sign up online to get the best shifts.
- Deadline for award recommendation for Pennsic is Fri, 7/8. Please make recommendations online.
- If you requested a tabard and your head was not measured (Constanza apologizes: she forgot) please contact Madelaine at as soon as possible. Or practice your head shrinking skills,which would make for an interesting A&S entry for Standard Bearers.