- Still looking for bids for Standard Bearer’s. Two site owners have volunteered acceptable sites, so you don’t need to find one.
- Lady Ginevra: looking for volunteers for NOWM, parking, troll, etc. Also looking for people to display on Artisan’s Row. Mistress Yvianne de Castel d’Avignon of Aethelmearc is bring a pavilion to serve as a gallery for watching the tourney’s in the period style.
- Forester James thanked Lord Tarmach and Muldonney for all their work to make Fletchings of Spring go well.
Guilds are the special interest groups of the SCA: people working together to focus on a particular activity. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings.
- Woodworkers Guild meets this Thursday, 7-10 pm at Meinhard’s home. Please contact Meinhard at for directions or with questions. You can also check the Cleftlands Woodworkers Facebook page.
- Armorer’s Guild will be meeting at Ealdred’ and Clariel’s home this Thursday, 7-10 pm . Please contact Baron Calum at for information or directions.
- Unofficial Fencing Practice meets this Sunday. Please contact Lord Cynwrig for details
- Please check the Cleftlands Equestrian Guild’s Facebook page to see if they are holding practice this upcoming Sunday.
- Needleworkers will be meeting June 14 at Baroness Constanza’s home, and on the 29th at Robin’s. Directions will be posted to Cleftlist and the Cleftlands Facebook page closer to the meeting, or contact Madelaine at
- East side archery practice meets next Tuesday starting at 5:30 at the home of Gwyneth and Muldonney, 411 Douglas Blvd, Richmond Heights, OH 44143. Donations will be used to replace archery butts, foam, and targets. Loaner equipment is available.
- Cooks’ guild is meeting June 1 to discuss next steps in the Scappi project and other activities.
- There is a regional Arts and Science meetup at the Cleveland Museum of Art’s atrium at Noon on the last Sunday: May 29th.
Other SCA Business
- The proposed new music for the Cleftlands Battle Song will be presented NOWM.
Baron and Baroness
- Crown is this weekend. 17 fighters including 3 from Cleftlands: Sir Silverthorne fighting for Mistress Chai, Sir Wigthegn fighting for Lady Nessa, and Sargent Tariq fighting for Baroness Failenn Brecc.
- June Dessert Revel will be the next Rapier Tourney near the Bocce Ball court
- The Standard Bearer’s A&S Challenge will be something to do with Cleftlands or a Cleftlander.
- We’re still looking for a volunteer to transport the Baronial Pavilion to and from Pennsic, as well as someone to handle Battlefield Hospitality.