- The Barony is still looking for Standard Bearers bids.
- NOWM is next week. Please bring items for royalty gift baskets to Lady Kateline Saturday morning. There are still shifts for Royalty retainers.
- Still looking for more volunteers to help with setup on Thursday.
- Mistress Elizabeth is looking for cookies and other small baked goods for the Founder’s Ball, first Saturday of 50-year. Please bring whatever you can donate to meeting on the 15th along with a list of ingredients. She’s also looking for dressmaker dummies or armor stands to use in the History Hall to display items being brought by those flying in from distant lands.
- Mapleside Demo is coming up on September 17-18.
- Sir Crispin, A&S Minister, is looking for people interested in doing classes at meeting. Please contact him.
Guilds are the special interest groups of the SCA: people working together to focus on a particular activity. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings.
- Woodworkers Guild does not meet this Thursday because NOWM.
- Armorer’s Guild will be meeting at Ealdred’ and Clariel’s home this Thursday, 7-10 pm . Please contact Baron Calum at for information or directions.
- Unofficial Fencing Practice does not meet Sunday, because NOWM. Please contact Lord Cynwrig for details
- Please check the Cleftlands Equestrian Guild’s Facebook page to see if they are holding practice this upcoming Sunday.
- Needleworker’s will be meeting 6/14 at Baroness Constanza’s home. Directions will be posted to Cleftlist and the Cleftlands Facebook page closer to the meeting, or contact Madelaine at
- East side archery practice meets next Tuesday starting at 5:30 at the home of Gwyneth and Muldonney, 411 Douglas Blvd, Richmond Heights, OH 44143. There will be NO archery practice 6/14 or 6/21. Donations will be used to replace archery butts, foam, and targets. Loaner equipment is available.
- Last weekend was Crown Tourney and Kingdom A&S Faire.
- The newest heirs of the Middle Kingdom are Prince Edmund and Princess Kateryn.
- At the Kingdom A&S Faire, Sir Eikbrandr took a first in decorative metalwork, Baroness Angharad, Lady Claricia, Lady Elizabella, and the Cleftlands Cooks took firsts in cooking, single and multiple dish; Lady Sazia (Dasani) took a first and a second in glasswork, Lord Tarmach a second in play writing, and Baroness Zuriel, who participated in the pentathlon took three first and a second, and was the second highest pentathlon scorer.
- During the day, Captain Ivan Shishov won the Armored Tourney, Lord Tarmach won the Archery Tourney, Lady Kateline stepped up as Kingdom Exchequer.
- The last meeting in June will be the Rapier Tourney, to be held outdoors, possibly at the Bocce Ball court.
- At Standard Bearer’s the theme of the A&S competition will be ‘Of Cleftlands” about the Barony, members of it, or any related theme.
- We’re still looking for someone to help transport the Baronial Pavilion, and to organize Battlefield Hospitality.