- Dessert Revel is next week: Please dress up and bring desserts for the indoors party. There will be fighting outside.
- Mapleside Demo: Setup is at 5:30 on Sept 16, while the demo itself runs Saturday and Sunday. Many people are needed: fighters, dancers, and others to show attendees all that the SCA does. Please contact Sir Artair with questions or to volunteer.
- Sorcha is organizing classes at the Regular event in January. Please let her know if you’re interested in teaching a class.
Guilds are the special interest groups of the SCA: people working together to focus on a particular activity. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings.
- Woodworkers Guild meets this Thursday, 7-10 pm at the Don Ramon on Pearl Rd in Parma to discuss upcoming projects and activities.
- Armorer’s Guild will be meeting at Ealdred’ and Clariel’s home this Thursday, 7-10 pm . Please contact Calum at for information or directions.
- East side archery practice meets next Tuesday starting at 5:30 at the home of Gwynedd and Muldonney, 411 Douglas Blvd, Richmond Heights, OH 44143. Donations will be used to replace archery butts, foam, and targets. Loaner equipment is available.
- Needleworkers will be meeting next Wednesday at meeting to share and discuss classes and activities from Pennsic. They’ll also be meeting 8/23 first meeting after Pennsic. Directions will be posted to Cleftlist and the Cleftlands Facebook page closer to the meeting, or contact Madelaine at
- Cook’s Guild will meet at 7:30 on 9/7 at the Baronial meeting to discuss what is needed to support the Regular Event feast Clarisce is organizing, as well as upcoming activities and projects.
Other Announcements
Velvet is the ‘Regional Cheerleader’ for the Dragon’s Rose Challenge: a year-long Kingdom-wide challenge to rapier fighters to gain points for practice, events, special activities, and teaching. The combatant with the highest score at the end of the year will earn a prize of $100 and a custom-made buckler, while the group with the highest collective score will be awarded $500. Please contact Velvet for details on what is involved and how to get registered.
- Pietro’s A&S Entry from Standard Bearers, a Cleftlands-centric map of the Known World, will be made available as a poster. Please Contact him ( ) to make your order.
- Calum announced the many awards and honors awarded Cleftlanders at Pennsic, including:
- Tarquin and Aelius, both of Vito’s Minions, received their Award of Arms
- Corvinus of Vito’s Minions received the Dragon’s Tooth
- The North Oaken Rapier Corps and Vito’s Minions received Dragons’ Teeth
- Sifu and Virus of Vito’s Minions joined the Red Company
- Gianna received her Dragon’s Heart
- Elizabethe and Eikbrandr were both elevated to the Order of the Laurel
- Thorin was elevated to the Order of Chivalry
- Sorcha brecc ingen Donnchada was one of the Midrealm A&S Champions
- Of the 20 archery champions, 7 were from Cleftlands: Tarmach, Muldonney, Ephraim, Garvin teh Slow, James Barkley, Garvin the Younger, and Ian Rengarthson.
- 8 Cleftlands knights participated on the Belted Champions team: Eikbrandr, Alaric, Radagaisus, Nikolai, Kjartan, Silverthorn, Ulfr, and Wigthegn.
- On the Unbelted Champions team were Ivan, Sirius, Bastian, Corvus Corvinus, Hauk, and Avengar.
- Many thanks were given to the support teams including the Baronial tent setup and tear down teams, Oliver for tent transport and the new Battlefield Hospitality team led by Claricia, Dorothea, and Angharad.
- Constanza announced that the Order of St. Clairiel had been awarded, at Standard Bearers, to both the Armored Combat Unit for their services in the MOAB Battle at Pennsic, and to the whole of the Battlefield Hospitality crew.
- She introduced the new Champions:
- Njall Orkneyjarson as Standard Bearer
- Muldonny McVriw as Rapier Champion
- Gwynedd Cole, Archery Champion
- Pietro Nicolo da San Tebaldo, Arts & Sciences Champion
- Many thanks were given to the staff of Standard Bearers including: Jolicia, Denis, Lassarina, Dmitrii, Fritha, and Gianna; those running competitions, including Nadya, Bastian, Velvet, Caitilín, and Elizabethe, and those who arranged food including Robin, Sergei, Angharad and all the kitchen staff, and Oliver, for again transporting the Baronial tent. Also, great thanks were given to our site hosts, Julianne and Llewellyn and their neighbor Beth.
- Dessert Revel is next week: Please dress up and bring desserts for the indoors party. There will be fighting outside.
- The September Revel, after the Mapleside Demo, will be a Newcomer’s night. Please bring your activities to share.