Meeting Minutes: 03-May-58


There may be another painting session to refresh the baronial road signs on Sunday, May 7, depending on weather. Check the baronial Facebook page for updates.

Help with Crown: Help is needed to staff the gate during the event; see Lady Dorothea. Help is needed to serve lunch; see Lady Clairicia. Only a few class slots remain open; see Mistress Thorhalla and Lady Chaiya to sign up. Lady Jocelin Is looking for banners, banner poles and portable holes that can be loaned for decoration.


May 27-28: Crown Tournament and Kingdom A&S: Ashtabula Fairgrounds. Registration is open online and at meetings. See Lady Katherin verch Rhys for details on the event.

June 10: NOWM, in Wellington. Camping will be allowed Saturday night; campers must talk to the camp’s representative at troll to make arrangements. The SCA event ends at 6 p.m. See Lord Meinhard and the website for details. Mistress Elizabeth is organizing classes.


Youth Officer: Parents and kids are invited to give their ideas and suggestions for future projects to our Youth Minister Lady Chaiya.

A&S: Details for upcoming garb-a-thon sewing sessions will be posted on the baronial Facebook page and website calendar.

Upcoming classes: Cooks Guild project, navigating your first event. See the baronial calendar, baronial Facebook page or our MOAS Mistress Elizabethe for details.


Archery marshal: Our archery marshal Forester Cadfan would like to step down by June. See him for information about this position.

Gold Key: Applications are on the baronial website. See our seneschal Mistress Angharad for more information about these job openings.


Needleworkers Guild: An online meeting will be held Tuesday. See Lady Miriana for details or watch the baronial Facebook page.

Armorers Guild: This guild meets most Thursdays in Berea. The host requires that participants be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 to attend. See Baron Calum for details.


May 6: Coronation, Bluffton, Indiana

May 13: Mugmort Melee, Columbus

May 18: Aethelmearc War Practice, Cooper’s Lake (site of Pennsic)

See a full list of upcoming Midrealm events here:


Exchequer: Members are asked to donate $2 per meeting, or $100 per year, to cover the cost of the meeting hall rental.

Quartermaster: The quartermaster must be notified at least two weeks in advance if a member wishes to borrow baronial gear.

Baronial meetings: Set-up starts at 6:30 p.m. and activities start at 7 p.m. A brief business meeting is held about 9 p.m.

For updates, corrections or additions, contact THL Jolicia atte Northclyfe at or on Facebook (Julie Washington).