Meeting Minutes: 15-Jun-57


Newest Cleftlands peer: Lady Snowden was placed on vigil for the Order of the Pelican at NOWM. She will be elevated at Pennsic. (See a full list of NOWM awards below.)

Scottish Games: Several members have already received their electronic tickets via email. See below for more details on this demo.

Pennsic: The preregistration deadline may have passed by the time you read this; go to for details.

Pennsic Break: The last baronial meeting before Pennsic will be July 20. We will resume meetings on Aug. 24.


Thanks to everyone who came, enjoyed and helped make the day a success. Nearly 400 gentles came through the gate. Lord Meinhart has agreed to be event steward next year, when NOWM will return as a three-day event (circumstances permitting).

Awards bestowed at NOWM:

The Cleftlands Yule Elves – Purple Fretty

Lady Aethelwynn skirra Demma – Purple Fret

Lord Hrafnkell Inn Rauði – Award of Arms

Lord Karl von Leipzig – Purple Fret

Duke Sir Laurelen Darksbane – Kingdom Augmentation of Arms – Beacon

Lord Cadfan of the Autumn Wood – Order of the Greenwood Company

Mistress Constanza de Mendoza – Dragon’s Heart

In other exciting news:

Lord Adam authorized as an armored combatant at NOWM.

Lord Tariq designed, and Lord Rayner produced, the wooden tokens that Their Majesties gave to all who taught classes at NOWM.


Ohio Scottish Games, June 25, at the Cuyahoga County Fairgrounds. Armored combat and rapier fighters are needed. The barony’s location is in grass and shade. There will be access by car to our location until 7:30 a.m., then not again until the event ends at 10 p.m. Our area will be set up the night before; see Lord Carl if you can help. We will participate in a parade at noon; please bring banners. We will also do “something cool” during a Pipe and Drum Tattoo at 6 p.m. The baronial area will pack up after the tattoo. See the Scottish Games Demo Facebook event page for more details. See Demo Coordinator Lord Carl for information. Here is a link to a site map:


Baronial Revel June 29: Annual Rummage Sale and Cook-Out. Bring SCA-related items to swap or sell: Bring a side dish to share – meats and the grill will be provided by Baron Crispin and Baroness Gianna. This will be held outside, weather permitting. If it is outside, bring tables (for eating and displaying rummage sale items) and chairs. See Lady Jaquelinne if you have questions.


A&S: A class on figure drawing will be held at the baronial meeting June 22. Bring paper, pens, crayons or whatever art supplies you have. See the calendar on the Cleftlands website for details.

Martial activities: Outside martial activities will be paused when the heat index is 103 degrees or above.

Quartermaster: The quartermaster must be notified at least two weeks in advance if a member wishes to borrow baronial gear.


Demo Coordinator: The Demo Coordinator is a deputy of the Chatelaine, and will have assistance from the Chatelaine. If you’re inspired to serve, consider applying!

Revel Coordinator: This person plans themes for the monthly revels. See Claricia if you are interested.


Armorers Guild: Thursdays in Berea. The host requires that participants be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 attend. See Baron Calum for details.

Archery Guild: Practice sessions are being held on some Sundays from 4-6 p.m. in Richmond Heights. Participants must be fully vaccinated. See Forester Cadfan for details.

A full list of Cleftlands guilds will be available on the website soon.


Regular Event: The seneschal is considering putting the event on the Kingdom calendar for Nov. 5. Bids are being accepted.

See a full list of upcoming Midrealm events here:


Baronial property: An inventory of baronial property is underway. If you are holding baronial property, please contact our seneschal, Lady Claricia. People holding baronial property must sign a contract, per the SCA BOD. This does not include officer regalia or items stored at the meeting site. Contracts are due to Lady Claricia by July 31.

 Exchequer: We are asking for $2 per meeting, or $50 per year, to cover the cost of the meeting hall rental. The rent has increased over the years, and we had to pay for the entire month during the period when meetings were twice a month.

Baronial meetings: Meetings will be held weekly for the foreseeable future. We will move outside when the weather permits; bring lawn chairs. Set-up starts at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting starts at 7 p.m. Masks are required indoors for all Midrealm SCA activities.


For updates, corrections or additions, contact THL Jolicia atte Northclyfe at or on Facebook.