- No meetings on 25-Jul, 1-Aug, 8-Aug, or 15-Aug. Enjoy Pennsic.
Baron and Baroness
- 1-Aug, Wed, at 10 am(-ish) is the raising of the Baronial tent on the Battlefield Please come and help.
- 4-Aug, Sat at 6 pm is Opening Ceremonies.. If you’re like to participate in the Cleftlands procession, please let Gianna now so she can arrange the muster.
- 5-Aug, Sun at 10 am is the Cleftlands Archery Muster, at Camp of the Three Bears, diagonally opposite North gate. They’ll march across the Battlefield, stopping for pictures at the fort, and then at the bus stop to take an air conditioned ride to the Archery range.
- 5-Aug, Sun at 7 pm, Aurelia’s Vigil will be held at Camp Newbridge.
- 10-Aug, Fri at 8:15 am is the Armored and Rapier combatants muster, at Camp of the Three Bears, diagnonally opposite North gate. They’ll march to the Baronial tent on the Battlefield, take a shared unit picture and prepare for the Battle. After this battle, the Baronial Tent will be dropped.
- 10-Aug, Fri at 8 pm, Tarmach’s play, Hector of Troy, will be staged at the Performing Arts Tent. Zsof is directing.
- Gianna and Crispin have commissioned Baronial favors: enameled pewter tokens, for Pennsic. Please contact them at Pennsic if you’d like one.