Meeting Notes: 10-Jun-50


  • Cleftlands will be accepting bids for Standard-Bearer event through July 8. Please, any date except Sept 9/20 (Mapleside Demo) or Sept 9/26 (Coronation bid).


  • Exchequer
    • Get receipts for NOWM to Robert by next weeks’ meeting or you will be thanked for your donation. Receipts can be scanned or photographed and emailed to him, if you will not be at meeting.
    • If you make an annual site donation at the mid-year, Robert can give you a receipt.
  • Knight’s Marshal
    • Bastian is updating the Baronial Roster of combatants. Please make sure you sign in.


  • Dance guild is going to Gwyntarian tomorrow night (6/11) to dance at their potluck. The potluck runs 8-10 pm. Please check their website for directions:
  • Unofficial rapier practice resumes this Sunday. Please contact Cynwrig ( or Edward FitzRanulf (
  • Equestrian Guild practice, in riding and driving will be Sunday practice from 3-6 pm. For details please contact James at layne.james@gmail.
  • Woodworkers Guild met last night and will meet next Thursday (6/18) around 7 pm. Please contact Meinhardt at for details.
  • Armorer’s Guild will be held at Ealdred and Clairiel’s home this Thursday at 7 pm. Please contact Clariel at 440-243-1419 for details


  • Brawl at the Crooked Dragon Inn in Falcons Quarry is June 20. There will be armored combat, fencing, archery and an A&S display. Their Highnesses will be attending, so Kateline is looking for royalty retainers and guards. You can sign up on the website.
  • Siege of Talonval is this weekend. Their Highnesses will be attending. Colette is looking for retainers to assist them. Please contact her at
  • Bardic Roundhouse is this weekend. Please come if you either like to entertain, or to be entertained.
  • NOWM announcements and thank yous will be sent out as a meetings addendum tomorrow, as I just can’t write fast enough to keep up with all the names of helpful people.

Baroness Angharad
Cleftlands Chronicler