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Hello! My name is Ezra Ra-Hona, and I am the Castellan for the Barony. One of the best aspects of my role is interacting with newcomers and helping them acclimate into the Barony. Please don’t hesitate to contact me for assistance, whether it’s for finding clothes, crafts, or people, or just to introduce yourself. I am here to help!
Newcomer Information
- Society for Creative Anachronism Newcomer’s Portal – A fantastic website for exploring or explaining many aspects of the Society.
- Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. – The corporate web pages for SCA, Inc.
- Middle Kingdom – The website for the Kingdom which covers Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, parts of Kentucky, a nip of Iowa and a bit of Ontario.
- A Glossary of SCA Terms – A detailed yet brief PDF defining many of the more common terms, or jargon, within the Society.
- Getting Ready for your First Event – A brief PDF excerpt from the Known World Handbook about preparing for your first event.